•~Chapter 4-Awkward First Impression•~

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💙A/N: The bag will matter to the plot soon. Part 5 is gonna be on Monday :)

"No. My name is Natasha, Natasha Romanoff." I know she's joking. Maybe I fell to the set? There's no way she's really Natasha.

"What? Your name is Scarlett not Natasha." I told her name is Scarlett but she kept saying that her name is Natasha.

Another familiar face went into the room. "Hey Nat, Oh. She's awake" Now I don't know what's going on. "Rdj?" My mind is going like

"Uhhhhh my name is Tony kid. Not Rdj."
He said. Am I delusional?? No, they're delusional not you. Snap out of it [Y\N]!

"What happened?" I asked. I know I was falling to the abyss in the middle of nowhere. "Kid you we're falling through this tower."

I took off my oxygen and went to the nearest window. I can't believe it I'm on the MCU. If the two are still alive,
That means.....

"What year is it?" I asked they both look at each other both confused and concerned. "2012. Why?" oh no. It's supposed to be March 14, 2020

I look at them and said

"I'm not from here."

"What do you mean you're not from here?" Tony asked "Like your from another country?"

"No! I mean, from another universe." congrats [Y/N]! You're now a mad person.

"What proof do you have?" They both asked. They look like: She really needs to go to a mental asylum face. I have a strong proof.
I looked at my [F/C] bag and I picked an marvel movie. Ah yes, Avengers 1

Their looks are not what I expected. "A documentary. Damn I look good in here." Tony said.

"Hey Tony, is the girl awake? Fury wants to talk to her." Holy shit. Chris Evans??? I am in Marvel Heaven.

"Samuel L. Jackson wants to talk to me?" I asked. Rdj, Scarlett and Chris started discussing about something.

"This kid is calling us names." Scarlett whispered "Maybe she thought I was Wanda?"
"Who the hell is Rdj? I'm famous enough to be known all around the world." Rdj said.

"But the thing is, she said she's from another universe. Should we put her on a mental asylum?" Scarlett asked.

"No! We can't do that she's just a young girl!" Chris said. I still can't believe I'm in the MCU. I look for another movie and found another one of my favorites. Captain America: The First Avenger.

"Uhh... If your finish whether you put me on an asylum or not Chris can you sign this for me? Pleaseee." I asked. I still want to call them by their actor's name.

"Um.. Sure." I gave him the movie and he was astonished when he saw the cover. He's looking to Hayley.

"Hey Chris, Are you okay? It's fine if you don't want to sign it." what was I thinking! You know the man might break down and cry!

"Where did you get this?

The Fallen Unknown Marvel GirlWhere stories live. Discover now