Part 2-Her Crazy Idea

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Using her index finger,she made a circular motion and murmured incoherent words. By that, a small fluffy white cotton candy-like cloud started to form in front of her. The cloud then showed an image of someone. Her thin lips curved into a smile.

As 'the someone' started to sing, she pursed her lips into a thin line to prevent her from screaming her excitement out. She took a deep breath while listening to 'the someone's' sweet voice.

She had admired his voice for a long time now. It was almost two years since he started singing. His dream-like voice never failed to capture her young heart. Well...not to young.

She was Lee Yubi. A 400 years old angel. She lived with her family in a palace. Well,every angel did living in palace. Except the fact that her family's palace was way bigger than the others.


Startled by the voice,she immediately blew away the cloud. It was her father. She put a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart.

Poor my heart. She thought. Wasting no time, she spreaded open her wings and flew to her father's room.

"What is it dad?" Yubi asked as soon as she landed her feet on the ground. Her eyes caught a girl about her age besides her father. Her eyes was glamorous almost like hers but when she smile, she displayed the cutest smile-eyes ever, cherry lips and perfect v-shape. She snapped from her observant mode when her father spoke, answering her curiousity.

"Lemme introduce you. This is Choi Sulli from the south of Angel's World. She's my friend's daughter and I hope you two could be friends too,"

The angel called Sulli approached her and offered a hand shake. As their hands touched,she showed Yubi her eye-smile. She's cute. Yubi thought.

"I'm Lee Yubi and nice to meet you. Wanna fly around the north side?" She asked Sulli while showing her big eyes. Sulli nodded.

"It would be nice. But...I can't fly..." She lowered her head.

Yubi's eyes widened. An angel can't fly??

But then Sulli showed her a playful grin.

"But I do float," She added with a chuckle as she started to float herself.

"You're funny. Let's go. Bye dad." Yubi grabbed Sulli's hand and the two angels went roaming around the north side of Angel's World.



Sulli would be staying with us for a month since her parents have some important matters to be done with other angels at the other side of our world. That would be nice tho since I always kill my free time by myself and it's kinda alone you know?

Later that night, after roaming around the north side of Angel's World, we both returned to the palace to get some rest. But not sleeping. Angels don't sleep.

It was almost midnight when I suddenly feeling boring. I flew around my big room thinking of what to do. I can ask Sulli to go out with me but no. She must be already weak by now. Didn't I mention that angels get weak if they used too much of their power?  Well...most angels did but not me.


I hit the pillar. I flew back a little and shook my head. It didn't hurt but I felt kinda dizzy. Suddenly an idea popped up and it gained a smile from me.

I bet other angels might think I'm crazy if they saw me now. Like yeah...who smiled after hit a pillar?

Back to the story.I got an idea and I wanted to do it. Actually the idea was kinda crazy because if I got caught I might get a punishment which is I can't use my wings for a month. But...who cares? As long as I didn't get caught I'm alright. But actually this is not my first time breaking the rules. It's just that I didn't get caught. Nice plan I had right? Hehe..

Wanna know the idea?

I'm going to the human's world.



A/n:so~~here's the second part....I know it's crappy as much as chapter 1...but believe me this fics will become better as time flies so please stay with me...I bet you guys know who's 'the someone' right? It's not even hard to tell :3




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