Part 8-No Ordinary

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He walked along the hallway.There was hurry in his pace.Anger painted all over his face.His angelic face could not hide his temper.It was the very first time he acted that way.Luckily the hallway was deserted so no angel noticed his change. At this rate,he could blow up the whole Angel's World.

When the door appeared in his view,he fastened his steps towards the room.He entered through the wall,not bothered to use the door.Silence welcomed him.She wasn't in her room.Looked like she still haven't come back yet.

Suho sat on a chair,feeling stressed.He expected more from her but it seemed like he was wrong this time.He warned her last time and now,he found out she went to the Human's World.Angels were forbidden to go there unless there was a necessary for that.And he knew,Yubi didn't have any task there.His instinct that day was right.Yubi was in love which is not an angel's feeling.And to the worst,with human.

He wondered who was the guy that managed to capture Yubi's attention slash love.That guy must be no ordinary guy as Yubi was not someone to easily gives her heart to.

A portal formed at the corner of the room.Suho sighed.

She's here.

Yubi who still didn't noticed Suho in her room,entered with a smile glued to her mouth.She remembered Jongdae in his pink pajamas.Jongdae fall from his bed.Jongdae doing his shikka pukka ritual.Jongdae's aegyo.He's just too cute for her to resist.And she noticed,she had fallen in love with him from last two years when Jongae started his career as a singer.She knew her feeling was wrong and she tried to chase it away but it only became stronger,day by day.

His voice was like an angel.When he sing,it feels like his sweet voice echoed in the whole Angel's World.Let the angels know his honey-like voice.And thats how Yubi fall for Jongdae.

She didn't knew how but on that particular day,two years ago,when she was resting under a golden tree,she heard a voice.Not an ordinary one.For a moment,she lost in the voice.She believed that the voice was destinied for her to hear as nothing happened for nothing.She just believed her heart and followed the voice.Unconciously,she teleported to the Human's World.More precise,in a studio which Jongdae was using.

Jongdae was practicing for his debut.At his back,Yubi was immersed to his voice.She closed her eyes,enjoying the song.He hit high notes easily.Did falsetto like eating icecream.Too easy for him.Yubi swayed left to right,following the rythm along with Jongdae's body gesture.Even from his back she enjoyed it.When the song ended his vocal trainer praised him and left the room with Jongdae.Just then she realised she still haven't look at his face.That was how her first encounter with Jongdae.

A finger snapping sound brought her back to reality.An image of Suho's poker face appeared in front of her.Her eyes widened.

"Sunbae-nim!You startled me!".She hold her chest and huffed.

"I've been here since forever.You're the one who didn't noticed me." He smirked."Enough with the daydreaming Yubi." He continued with a serious tone.Yubi chickened.She scared of Suho's strict voice.He might seemed nice,well....he is...he never gets mad.It was her first time seeing this side of him.

"What daydreaming?"She asked while showing her innocent eyes.But her heart was racing like crazy because she knew Suho already know.It was partially her fault too.Not being able to protect her noble heart.She expected a real scolding now.

"Stop going to Human's World."He said with straight face.

No way.

"I know you went there again today."

I know.

"As your guardian,I know you didn't have any task there right?"

As expected from  guardian.

"You know there will be punishment for breaking the rule and still you went there.What's the point anyway?"

I just wanna meet him!

"Why risk yourself?"

I love him.

"Don't do something stupid Lee Yubi."

Yubi let out a soft sigh.Her heart just automatically replied to every Suho's question.

"I'm sorry sunbae-nim.but.I think I'm in love."Finally she said it.

"That's ridiculous!Lee Yubi!Wake up!You're an angel!There's no way you have that feeling!"Suho's white face started turning red.

"I know.But I can do nothing.I tried to get rid of it but I-I can't."She lowered her head.Suho rested his hands on her shoulder.

"Then stop going to Human's World.You went there to meet him right?So stop it.NEVER.GO.THERE.AGAIN."

With that he left Yubi.Dumbfounded.Yubi tried to process every Suho's word.She sighed.He was right.But.She tried that before.And that wasn't working.She can't stand not to look at Jongdae's face for a day.That's why she started to look at him from the small cloud.But that wasn't enough for her.Going to Human's world was her only way.

But in this situation,there's no way she could go there.Suho would double his guard towards her for sure.She started to brainstorm for an idea on how to always to be beside him.

And then an idea popped.She grinned.But one thing she didn't realised.

Her plan would satisfies her.But would hurts him.


A/n:Kyaa!!!!!I fell like crazy to write this part.I think I took the longest time to finish this part. T.T 




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