13. You need more stamina muffin.

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Chapter 13.

You need more stamina muffin.

Song: Heart attack by Demi Lovato.


If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach then I am afraid I can never reach any man's heart.

I thought mournfully.

"Joanna what did you do now ?" My mother's angry yet worried voice came through the laundry room.

I frowned at the mess in kitchen and then at the almost burning oven. "Frankly? I don't know."

I heard running feet and then a loud gasp from my mother as soon as she entered the kitchen.

"I vaguely remember saying that you are banned absolutely forbidden from using the gas or oven." My mom scolded, her hands on her hips.

She looked like the unknown lady in Tom and Jerry, only a lot thinner.

"Sorry mom, I was just trying to help you."

She scoffed, muttering something under her breath. "What were you making?"

"Uh pizza?"

Her eyes narrowed at the spilt milk on the gas, "Your Pizza has milk?"

"No! I was also making hot milkshake."

"Oh God Joanna, even that you couldn't make?" My mom groaned in disappointment.

"Mom! I can make that. But I switched off the vegetable gas instead of the milk one and then went back to read book."

"You do not read while cooking Joanna." She scolded as if speaking to a naughty child. But then again, I'm naughty.

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry?"

Her answer was grunt. "And what happened to the oven?" She went near it and before I could warn her, she touched it and instantly pulled away screaming. "Holy mosses! It's burning."

"I may have kept the temperature high and then went to read a book." I shifted my legs, my crossing my fingers behind my back. Please don't let her have a dramatic trauma.

"You forgot? What do you mean you forgot?" Oh no! "Didn't you even smell the burning food, I could smell it all the way up to the laundry room and you were just in the living room. And who's going to clear this mess now? It looks like there was a tornado in here. I don't know how you are going to handle your own home or what you are going to make and give your husband. Who will even marry a woman who can't cook? Why are you just standing there now? Go get a broom and start sweeping. Girls these days! I swear-"

I hurriedly rushed to get a broom not wanting to listen anymore. I don't know if it is just mine or every girl's mother who worries a little too much about her daughter's future husband, his eating habits and thinks that the modern generation girls are utterly spoiled.

But I may have to agree with the last one. Some are stinky spoilt.

"Joanna your stupid phone is ringing." My mother shouted from the kitchen and I ran back with the broom.

Leaving the broom on the ground, I grabbed my phone and ran upstairs before my mom could oppose. Bless the caller!

I pressed the phone to my ear, breathing heavily.

"Ran a marathon?" Ace's silky voice came through the phone.

I chuckled. "Ran up the stairs."

"And so tired? You need more stamina muffin." He teased, knowing I don't like to exercise.

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