21. Hurting you was never my intention.

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Chapter 21.

Hurting you was nevermy intention.


"What is it called when your crush has a crush on you?" Logan asked excitedly.

"I don't know."


I gave him a flat displeased look. "If that was supposed to make me smile, you aren't doing a good job."

He sighed dejectedly, tapping his finger on his chin. Thinking of another lame joke. Until now he had said quite a few jokes and although some had made me smile a bit, I just wasn't in a mood to laugh. I simply wanted to cuddle into a ball of sadness.

I sighed and leaned on my Tom and Jerry cushion staring out of the window. Contradictory to my mood, the day was sunny and lovely which made me melancholier. I frowned at the sun, hoping it would get my message and hide behind the clouds for the rest of the day. When it didn't, I twisted my lips and turned to my friends who at least respected my emotions.

We were in my room, mom had said no boys but somehow Logan and Alan managed to summon her into their charm. I was unsuccessfully surviving day three 'being-away-from-Ace', the void in my chest was still there, waiting to be filled again.

Distance is good but the crazy part about it is you don't know if the person will miss you or forget you.

I looked around my room filled with the people who supported me throughout the good and bad times. Logan was still thinking about jokes to make me smile, Alan was down in the kitchen searching for food, Janice and Brittany were talking something about Connor Franta turning gay and how every hot guy was gay now-a-days. I couldn't even argue on that one! I wondered when Brittany would tell us her story, this was the best time. All of us were here and I really needed a distraction.


She stopped talking and turned to me with a questioning gaze. "Yo Joanna?"

"Your story about Max?" I asked hesitantly.

She froze before her shoulders slumped down in resignation. "I guess I have to say sometime. Alan emergency." She shouted.

Soon we heard footsteps coming up and then a curse, then footsteps again.

Alan entered with a bowl of cookies in his hand. "A cookie fell." He pouted. No wonder the cuss word.

Brittany rolled her eyes and pointed at the bed for Alan to sit. He obediently sat, cookie bowl possessively on his lap.

He promptly slapped Logan's hand when it reached for the bowl. "I will share anything but cookie and girlfriend. Get those for yourself."

"You don't have a girlfriend and sharing is caring." Logan pouted.

"I just said I will share anything BUT NOT cookies." Alan reminded, still holding the cookie bowl close to his chest.

"Just one?" Logan pleaded, eying the cookie bowl with longing. Alan shook his head, "Get them for yourself. I had to make puppy face for two minutes to get these."

"I thought you love me." Logan cried out.

Alan rolled his eyes, munching on a cookie. "I love cookies more."

Logan scowled. "Fine I'll get another best friend."

Alan rolled his eyes, dumping a cookie in his mouth. "Good luck trying."

"Guys." Brittany warned and the room instantly silenced.

She started. "Max and I met when we were in freshman year. He was the bad boy with notorious friends and I was the nerd buried in books with barely any friends. Our parents were business partners so we knew each other from face but our leagues were far apart. We were complete opposites."

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