Chapter 2: Not the Last

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2823 words.

Gon was cuddling a very soft and warm stuffed animal; he nuzzled closer to it. The scent was incredibly calming and intoxicating at the same time. It was sweet like chocolate, both welcoming and distant Gon wanted nothing more than to lay here forever. Morning can wait until next year.

   Gon's heart stopped. He felt a pulse beneath the soft texture of the stuffed animal.

   Wait, it's breathing.

   Gon's eyes shot open and frantically looked around to label precisely what he buried his face into. There laid a beautiful boy with whiteish/silverish hair and a light vanilla skin tone in his bed. A small amount of drool dripped down the corners of his mouth as he slept peacefully with his body cuddled close to him.

   AND they were naked.

   Gon had one night stands with other people before, but never did they stay until morning. Generally, they got up and left after the deed was done. Gon remembered bits and pieces of what occurred the night before, and that left a tingling sensation that crawled up his skin.


   He watched Killua shuffle under the blankets and squirm uncomfortably, probably from the beam of sunlight shining on his face. He squinted his eyes and mumbled with a sound similar to a groan, "What time is it?"

   "Nine in the morning." Gon chirped. He felt his heart swell a bit when Killua opened his clouded blue eyes and carefully watched him. 

     Suddenly, Killua jolted upwards and frantically rolled out of bed. "Nine in the morning!?!" Hickies and bruises covered the boy's neck, and his hair disheveledly stuck out in every direction. He watched him scavenge around the floor for his clothes and abruptly froze when he felt Gon's eyes on him. Killua turned around with a very flustered face. "Don't stare at me, idiot."

   "Nothing I haven't seen before." Gon replied with a bemused smirk. Killua's defensive behavior reminded him of an irritated, fluffy cat.

   His gaze traveled up and down Killua. Everything about him made him feel hot all over. Gon's voice lowered to a deep whisper. "How about we do this again sometime?"

   "No way. This was a one night stand." Killua deadpanned. He hurriedly buttoned his suit, grabbed his phone, and left Gon's bedroom with a wave.

   Gon frowned. He at least wanted to get to know Killua better, but all he could do was watch as Killua rushed out the door. A twinge of guilt twisted in his stomach. He can't do this anymore.

   Gon quickly took a shower and walked downstairs for the breakfast his aunt prepared for him.

   "Who was that boy that just walked out of here? Did he stay the night?" Gon's Aunt Mito glared at him questioningly.

   Gon smiled innocently, "Yep, his name is Killua! He spent the night in my room last night."

    "Uh-huh." She continued to eye him suspiciously, but Gon didn't falter from the childish grin on his face. She sighed in defeat, "Just let me know when we're expecting to have company."

    "Okay." Gon continued to shove a crapload of food in his mouth happily.

   Oh yeah, the audition for the school was today. A rush of panic caused adrenaline to course through his veins, him nearly spitting out his breakfast. Crap, he forgot!

   To Gon, music was only a hobby, but when you're stuck on a desolated island with wildlife as friends, there isn't much else to do. The only thing his father left behind was a withered old upright grand that occupied the space in the corner of the living room of their old house.

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