Chapter 1: One Friday Night

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   Killua pulled his headphones on and cranked up the volume loud enough to drown out all the background noise of the nightclub. Live music played near the entrance, and for once, Killua wasn't the one creating it. He didn't care much for jazz anyways. Killua didn't bother to change out of his suit that he wore to his earlier school performance, either. It was a Friday night, who gives a shit.

   Killua didn't go to bars often. Heck, his family was practically watching his every move. But if he were to go out, he would always visit this one. It wasn't popular, but it never seemed to check his age like other bars. Killua was a senior in high school, close to becoming an adult legally, but not the legal drinking age. Not that he ever got drunk. Killua had somewhat built a tolerance with the strong alcohol because of his parents serving it at the dinner table, so it only helped him to relax a bit.

  He sat on the barstool and scrolled through his phone to find another piece to listen to when some red-haired girl dared to caress his arm in a disgusting flirty way. He was just going to ignore it until the bitch ripped off his headphones and then had the audacity to wink at him.

  Killua gave her a hard glare, "Not interested." waving his hand dismissively to emphasize his point.

   "Stubborn one, aren't you? Why don't you want to talk to me?" The scent of alcohol coming from her flooded Killua's nostrils even from a distance.

   "Because I don't associate with whores." Killua deadpanned.

   Pfft, that should do it.

   The drunken woman angrily raised her scrawny arm to slap Killua, but before she landed the blow, Killua saw a firm bronze arm grip her wrist, stopping her. His gaze followed to the owner of the arm. The man was younger-looking, probably around Killua's age; the apron he wore indicated that he was the bartender. Killua hasn't seen him around before, so he must be new.  He had tan skin and big brown eyes that gave his face the impression of innocence. His black hair spiked up, and the amount of compact muscle was something to take note of. Overall, this guy was attractive, and Killua could appreciate that.

   "No fighting in here please," The bartender gave an agitated grin.

   With that, the redhead slapped money on the counter and left with a stomp.

   Killua clicked his tongue. Typical.

   The bartender turned to him with a relieved smile on his face "So, anything you want to drink?"

   Killua rested his chin on his hand and mumbled, "I'll take a chocolate vodka with extra whip cream." He looked up and smirked. "Aren't you a little young to be a bartender?"

   The man laughed and leaned on the counter, getting close to Killua's face and whispering, "Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" He finished with a flick of Killua's bangs.

   Killua felt his entire face heat up from embarrassment. "J-just give me the drink already!" He stumbled out. Embarrassing. This guy caught him off guard.

   "The name's Gon." He slid the ordered drink across the counter to Killua. " I'm actually a senior in high school, but my grandmother owns this bar.  My Aunt and I just moved here a few days ago to help her run the place ." Gon stated, presenting a wide grin that stretched across the plains of his face.

   "Cool," Killua responded, trying not to sound as interested as he really was. He started slurping down the drink Gon made. It was actually pretty good.

   "Hmm, can I possibly get a name to call you by?" Gon asked with a raised eyebrow.

   "Are you flirting with me or something?" Killua responded, trying to play it off cool, but the uptick in his voice gave him away.

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