Chapter 3: Pale and White

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(1336 words)

The soft glow of light beamed over the hills and sparkled in between the thick trunks of trees. A gentle breeze pushed through the leaves, dancing through Olive's dark brown hair. Strider sat on the fallen log, facing the camp, his stormy eyes watching the hobbits gather up their things into bags and load them onto Bill, the pony.

Olive shifted quietly, wrapping her arms around herself to try and keep warm. She groaned at the light glowing behind her closed eyes, before slowly opening them to see the forest floor coming into view, her brows to drew together in confusion as she leaned forward, before remembering where she was and relaxed back against the tree.

She sighed heavily running her numb fingers through her messy hair, feeling the dull ache in her side from lifting her arms above her shoulders, causing a sour expression to grace her features. She dropped her arms, hands face up in her lap.

"Rest well?" Olive's whole body jumped at the voice, she jerked her head to her left to see Strider sitting on the fallen tree, one knee up with his arm resting on top, he wasn't looking at her though, instead he was still staring off towards the campsite.

"Not really." She sighed, standing up and dusting off her jeans. When Strider didn't move she leaned against the log looking over in the direction he was watching.

"Come." He said, pushing off the log and began to walk towards the hobbits. Olive watched him walk, the tails of his coat swaying along with his hair.  The young woman rubbed her hands together before climbing over the decently large log and lightly jogged after the man.

Strider finished loading up the pony before they began to move, continuing on with their long journey to Rivendel. Sam led the pony in the back of the group with Merry and Pippin ahead of him and then Strider in the lead. Olive walked a bit behind Sam, next to the pony, her hand resting on Bill's shoulder while they walked, petting the pony calmed her thoughts, and provided a distraction from everything else. 

They had walked for who knows how long, the forest far behind them. They crossed the plains heading towards a long strip of huge mountains, Sam called them 'The Misty Mountains'.

"Miss Olive, have you eaten?" Sam spoke up, glancing back towards the human. She glanced up to the sky, guessing that it was a bit past noon. When she looked back over to Sam he held out an apple to her, momentarily stopping with Bill.

"Thank you Sam." She smiled at the hobbit before reaching out and taking the apple. She looked down at the red fruit in both of her hands when suddenly her hands flickered to a pale white, the throb in her side intensifyed, but only for a second and her hands were back to normal. Olive grimaced as the pain went back to a dull throb, and turned her hands over with wide eyes. 

Bill whinnied softly, reminding Olive that she wasn't alone and quickly looked up, none of the others were looking at her, so she assumed that nobody had noticed what happened. 'What had happened?' She questioned herself, rubbing her hands together warily and continued, following behind Bill.


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