Chapter 2

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Ximena Pov:

I got up and got ready for school. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs and join my family for breakfast. My mom handed me a plate and grabbed some waffles, eggs, and bacon. My mom loves to cook so she loves to be extra when it comes to serving. While enjoying my breakfast I look at the time and got up and wash my dishes and told Eli that we have to leave.

I dropped him off at school and head my way to school. Once again I found a good parking spot. When I got out of my car a black bmw parked right next to me and when they got out it was Nick. I haven't hung out with Nick in a while. He noticed I was standing there grabbing my bag.

"Oh shit Ximena didn't even realize it was you" he walked up to me

"Yeah" i laughed nervously

"How you been? It's be a minute" he asked me while leaning on his

"I've been doing great. What about you? How's your mom doing?" I ask while I close my door and lock my car

"We're doing good actually thanks to your mom she helped her getting a job since her last one weren't  paying her enough so now both of our mom work together" he says and I nodded

"Well every month they have dinner with the team so I guess I'll see you there but I actually go to go"

"See you around" he smiled and I smiled in return and left.

I walked in school and went to my locker to grab my notebooks for today. Catalina was waiting by my locker.

"So where are we going for lunch?" She asked

"No hi good morning how's your morning going? My morning is great thanks for asking" I shook my head

"Sorry Goodmorning but where are we going for lunch"

"Do you always think about food" I tell her

"Why do you ask me this question knowing damn well the answer is yes" we head to our first period. I'm glad that we both got the same schedule cause I wouldn't know what to do with out her. We have math for first period and we sat at the back since those were our assign seats. A sub walked in and told us that today was basically free day since the teacher didn't leave us any work to do so Catalina and I were just talking. Also Zion and Edwin are in this class but they sit across the room from us.

"I don't wanna go 2nd period today I didn't even do my essay dude" Catalina says

"I mean we can try to ask if we can go work on the essay in the library but you can ask Ms Ramos she likes you better"

"You never pay attention in her class all you do is sleep that's why" Catalina shook her head

Lunch time

While walking out of our fourth period Catalina and I started walking to my car. We got in and drove off to McDonald's. We took a couple of pics and I posted on my Ig

 We took a couple of pics and I posted on my Ig

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Ximena_Martinez: ill give you $5 if you can guess where I'm eating at


User: if it isn't in n out I swear
-Ximena_Martinez: aww fuck I should of went there instead 😥 them animal fries sounds so good right now

User: what a queen 😍

Catalinaaa: bro you wanted McDonald's so don't complain right now
-Ximena_Martinez: correction YOU wanted McDonald's not me

User: throwing a party this weekend you guys should come
-Ximena_Martinez: send the addyyyyy


After lunch we went back to school. It was the end of the day. While walking to my car my mom texted asking if I could pick the twins up from my aunt place since she takes care of them while my parents are at work. It was a 20 minute drive but I got there and parked on the side. I got out of my car and walked up to the car and knocked and waited till they open the door. My aunt let me in and my sister Michelle saw me and ran up to me I picked her up.

"Hi how was your day? How was preschool?" I asked her. They go to preschool from 8am-11am and my aunt picks them up and usually my mom picks them up after work but I guess she has to stay a little longer.

"It was good I was the leader for today" I smiled at her. Xavier heard me and gave me a hug.

"Hi bubba you okay?" I asked him

"No I'm sad" he tells me "I fell and hurt my knee. I gave him a sad look and grabbed their stuff and put them in my car. My mom transferred some money on my card to go grocery shopping for her so she could make dinner tonight.

We pulled up to Walmart and grabbed the items my mom needed. Paid for it and left. When we got home both of my parent arrived at the same time and my dad grabbed the groceries out of the trunk.

I quickly went to go put my stuff in my room and went to go help my mom make dinner.

"Hi mom need any help?" I asked Her

"Do you mind cooking the rice for me while I roll up the enchiladas" I nodded but first I washed my hand and started to make the rice

"So how was your day? Did you catch up on your school work?" She asked me

"Yeah i raised it to an A" I smiled

"That's better and thank you for picking up the twins work started to get busy and couldn't get out on time"

"Oh it was no problem also I ran into Nick today so you and Debby working together?" I asked her

"Yeah i ran into her couple days ago and said she was looking for a job since her job wasn't paying well and I told her that she could always work where I'm at and I helped her out" she said and I nodded "is it gonna be weird for you to see nick there? Cause you know him and Zion are bestfriends and well you guys dated" she added

"Mom nick and I were really good friends before I dated Zion besides we don't let that get in the way but I'm busy and he's busy so we haven't hung out in a while" I tell her

"Oh okay well what are you plans for the weekend? Since you always go out" she asked me

"Oh right can i go to a party on Saturday? If it stars to get late I'll just sleep over at Catalina if you don't mind"

"As long as you let me know" I nodded and we finished cooking. While my mom was serving us I set up the table. After dinner I went to my room and started watching a movie. Thank god tomorrow is Friday. After watching a few movies I went to bed.


So are you guys liking the book so far even though I only did 2 chapters 😅 lol.

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