Chapter 7

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Zion Pov:

Its a Saturday and I didn't have any plans so I texted Nick to see what he was doing.


Yo you got any plans for

Uhh I was planning to go
bowling with Ximena and
Catalina for her birthday
why what's up

Just wanted to see if you
wanted to hangout but nvm
have fun

Are you sure? You could tag
along I'm sure she wouldn't mind

Nah nah it's fine I'll just hit
up Brandon instead

Too late she said as long you
don't try anything she's fine with it

Then we're bringing Edwin
Austin and Brandon I'm not
trying to feel uncomfortable

You'll be fine unless she throws
something at you then that's on you

So our usual bowling alley?

Yessir at 7

Okay fs

I went downstairs to join my family for breakfast. My mom was making small conversation with all of us and trying to see if we got plans for today and it was my turn

"So you got any plans for today?" She asked

"Umm Nick invites to go bowling with him and the girls for Ximena birthday so I guess I'll be going I don't know yet" I shrugged

"Oof R.I.P Zion" elom said and Kekeli laughed with him

"Oh that's right today is her birthday tell her I wish her a happy birthday wait actually I'll just text it to her" my mom said and I shook my head. The one thing that suck our family got along so well. It was rough when we first broke up I just it was I broke up with her so did my family but yet it didn't feel like it.

I couldn't finish my breakfast I just got up to go play fortnite in my room. After doing some thinking I decided to go so I took a shower and got ready. It was 6:45pm I grabbed my keys and left.

Ximena Pov:

So far my day has been great. I spent half of my day with my family and then Nick picked me up to take me out to eat for lunch. I love how close Nick and I been getting. It feels like old times. He also pick Catalina up as well before heading over here.

We arrived to my favorite restaurant to Olive Garden. I really love pasta and eating here is like heaven to me.

"Have I ever told you guys I love pasta" I randomly blurted out

"WE KNOW" they both yelled it out. Yeah they tired of me already

We ordered our food and waited for 20 minutes till they brought our food. After lunch we went to go have some fun until it was time to go bowling.

We all arrived at the same time and went inside together. Catalina and I took some pictures and waited till the boys paid so we could ask for our shoes.

You guys wouldn't believe me if I told y'all we were there for like 3 hours. Nick took the boys and Catalina home and left me with Zion. I'm punch Nick on Monday when I see him. But it's also because we literally live like 5 minutes away from each other and Nick and the others live 30 minutes away from us. We got in the car and we got stuck in traffic since Zion wanted to take the fucking highway so I won't be home till an hour or maybe more.

"I'm so hungry" I opened up his glove department box to see if he has any snacks and I found my necklace that he gave me once but when we broke up I put it in there so I guess he hasn't took it out ever since. I felt bad a little because when we ended things I said some things I wish I have never said to anybody. He noticed I was holding something and looked at it and turn back to the road and said something else.

"Uhh we could get off the next exit and I could buy something to eat" Zion asked me but I shrugged my shoulder. 20 minutes later we got off the highway and pulled up to In N Out. He ordered my food which I'm surprised that he stills remembers and ordered for himself too. He took out his card to pay and I tried to give him money to pay for my food but he wouldn't take it.

"You know I always pay for your meal so keep the money" he push the money away but I keep on giving it back to him

"But I always feel bad when you do" he shoved it again

"Think of it as a birthday gift" I rolled my eyes at him and put my money away. If I didn't I know we would be arguing about it for hours. He parked the car and started to eat. We had some small conversations and waited till traffic cleared out. I fell asleep I didn't even know I was home already. He shook me so I could wake up. I opened my eyes and looked around. I grabbed my bag and my trash from in n out so I could throw it away. Before opening the car door I turned around and looked at him

"Umm thank you" I smiled at him and he smiled back. God I miss that smiled but I move on I'm happy. I got out and he didn't pull off the the drive way until I got inside. I threw the trash away and went to my room and got ready for bed.


Yeah I don't know why I'm up so late so umm enjoy all this chapter I'm uploading 😂

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