Chapter 10

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Ximena Pov:

New week new semester new classes. I got ready for school and head downstairs to join my family for breakfast y'all already know I never skip breakfast with my family.

I sat down next to my dad and my little sister Michelle. I can't believe she's 4 now I mentally cry every time I see my siblings. My mom served us and put our plate right in front of us. I started to dig in. My mom went around the table to see what's everyone most excited for.

"Michelle and Xavier what are you guys excited for today?" She asked the twins

"I am trying to write my name with no help by the end of this week" Michelle smiled

"My teacher said we're going to have a new student so I'm going to ask him if he/her wants to be my friend" Xavier smiled as well. Xavier loves making new friends that's why he get along with everybody.

"Eli what about you?" My mom asked him

"Saved up all of my allowance so I can buy myself a new xbox today so mom can you take me after school?" He asked and my mom nodded

"What about you Mija? Aren't you starting a new semester today?" She asked and I nodded

"Yeah I'm actually excited but also nervous it's a new class meaning I have to introduce myself to other people that I don't even know so I hope I get Catalina in all of my classes again" I tell my mom

"Ahh I see we'll just remember to relax honey don't over stress it okay" she smiled at me and I finished my breakfast

I told Eli it's time to go and we grabbed our things and said our goodbye and walked out to my car. I dropped him off and walked into school to pick up my new schedule. I met up with Catalina and Nick we all have classes together. I'm so excited at least now I know somebody that I know is in my classes.

We walked to our first period which was World History. We sat at the back and watched little by little people were coming in. Brandon walked in and sat next to us. I love how Brandon got close to us in such a little time of knowing us. He recently moved here from Texas. Eventually the rest of the guys walked in I wanted to bang my head at the wall when I saw Zion. Anyways class has just started and our teacher Ms Davis made the whole class introduce themself to the whole class. I hated it.

After Ms Davis went over about what we're gonna be learning she told us we already have our first project.  She was going through the list of who she already paired us up with that's fucking great I might get stuck with a stranger.

"Brandon and Samantha" she said and Brandon got excited because he's been trying get at her ever since he got here. "Austin and Nick, Catalina and Edwin I hope that you two will actually do this project, and last but not least Zion and Ximena" I was drinking my water and spit that out as soon as she said that.

"No offense Ms Davis I'll rather work with Casper the friendly ghost than having to work with Zion" I sort of yelled it out

"Sorry Ms Martinez but that's what I decided and if you guys don't do anything then I'll have to give you guys your first zero" I sighed. The rest of the class people already paired up on what topic they gonna do for their project. I was on my phone and Zion came and sat next to me.

"Okay miss little attitude we can either start our project at my house later on today or fail" I rolled my eyes at him

"Whatever I'll be there at 5" I went back on my phone and waited till the class was over. Through out the whole day. I got home and told my mom that I have to go to Zions to work on our project she laughed at me. After dinner we all went so Eli could buy his xbox. When we got home he didn't even wait till everybody was out of the car he ran inside and set everything up. I looked at the time and it was already
5:15 I grabbed my bag and walked to Zions house. He lives like 5 minutes I wasn't gonna waste my gas like that.

I knocked on the door and he opened it and rolled his eyes "you were suppose to be here at 5 your 20 minutes late" I shrugged and walked in

"But at least I showed up though so you can stop complaining" his mom walked out of the kitchen and greeted me. I haven't seen her in a while and she still looks amazing it surprises me that she still look like in her early 20's. Mandy and I always get along well when I was dating Zion. We still do I just haven't seen her around that much. Zion grabbed my bag and pulled me to his room so we could work on our project I wasn't even done talking to her.

"That was rude of you I was just catching up with your mom" I sat down on one of his bean bag that he had in his room.

"Oh well you can catch up some other time now hurry up so we could do this over with I got some place to be at 7" I rolled my eyes and took out my laptop from my bag and started to do some research. While I was doing some research I noticed Zion was on his phone not even doing anything.

"Can you at least do something I'm not gonna do this myself just so you know" he mumbled something and grabbed his laptop

We decided to do the Great Depression well he wanted to do it. While I had my power point ready to go he was telling me on what to write. His phone kept on going off it was making me mad because I really wanna get this done. God if your hearing me please let the person know whoever is calling him can wait I wanna get this done so I can get home. Sadly praying didn't work his phone kept going off.

"Omg just answer the fucking phone" I get frustrated easily

He got up and walked out of his room and answered the phone. His dumbass didn't even close the door all the way and I could perfectly hear the whole conversation. I tried not to listen but I mean how can you not? Besides that I'm nosy but he didn't even close his door so that's on him.

"Yeah babygirl I'm doing some homework with Brandon right now but when I'm done I'll be on my way" I saved the PowerPoint and put my stuff away but he was still talking on the phone after I finish putting my stuff away he walked in and was confused

"We're not done working you better sit your ass down"

"Don't tell me what to do I'm going home I'll just finish this by myself have fun at your new girl house" I gave him a faked smile and walked out. I saw Mandy still at the kitchen making herself lunch for work tomorrow and told her my mom needed me home so I have to leave early. Yeah I lied I didn't wanna tell her the exact truth. While walking home I was thinking of the phone call. Why did he lied? Why couldn't he just say that he was working on the project with me? Or is it because she could of been jealous or insecure. For some reason that call made me really uncomfortable.

I walked inside and went upstairs to my room and got ready for bed. I grabbed my laptop from my bag and finished the project. I made sure everything was perfect. If Zion wants the full point he's gonna have to present it to the class because I'm not doing that shit. I went to the bathroom to do my night routine and went back to my bed. I plugged my phone and put it on the nightstand and fell asleep.


Should I upload another one? If so lmk.

Hope you guys are being safe during this time hopefully everything will die down eventually

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