Heather Duke x Reader - Pretend

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Duke had recently assumed power after Chandler's death, and you were second in command, per say. You, her and Veronica were sat at the lunch table, chatting amongst yourselves. Well, except for Veronica. She wouldn't stop staring at JD, and even when she wasn't staring, she was talking about him. She was absolutely smitten.
"Hey, Veronica." You said, trying to get her attention.
"Hm, what?" She mumbled in reply, still staring.
"Jeez, drool much?" Duke teased, smirking.
"Oh, shut up Heather." Veronica retorted.
That had hit a nerve, so, Duke stood up, grabbed your hand and dragged you off to the bathrooms.
"Hey, are you alright Heather?" You asked, concerned.
"Yes. Well, no. Look, Veronica's annoying the hell out of me constantly droning on about JD, how about we give her a taste of her own medicine?" She smiled deviously at you.
"What, talk about JD loads? She'd probably like that.." You responded.
"No, not that, did you have a brain tumour for breakfast?" She retorted, laughing a little.
"Sorry Heather.." You apologised, but embarrassed.
"It's alright, I was only kidding. Anyway, how about, we pretend to be a couple and get all up in her face about it? To get back at her." Heather suggested.

Truth be told, you'd had a crush on Heather since the start of High School, and you couldn't bring yourself to say no, even if it was only pretend.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan! How're we gonna do that though.." You asked curiously.
"Be a couple, follow my lead." She responded, a little demandingly.
"Alright, let's do this thing!" You cheered, excited.
"Gosh, you're such a dork, you know that?" She laughed at your goofiness.
"Yeah, but you love me really.." You teased, smirking at her.
"Yeah, I do." She said deadly serious, before correcting herself, "Since we're a 'couple' now, and all."
"Yeah." You responded.
"Now come on, let's go freak out Ronnie." Duke ordered, smiling devilishly.

The two of you walked into the cafeteria, her arm around your waist protectively. You were going to sit down normally, but Duke insisted you sit on her lap, so, you followed orders. That caught Veronica's attention.

"Uhh, what's going on with you two?" Veronica questioned, a confused look on her face.
"Oh, we're a couple now. I love her more than anything in the world." Heather confessed, trying her best to act like a lovesick teen, though she didn't have to try hard, being that she actually did have a crush on you.
"I-I love you too.." You were blushing, a little flustered already.
Heather then kissed you passionately, trying to irritate Veronica the best she could.
"Gross guys, kiss each other in your own time." Veronica complained.
"Oh, I will." Heather retorted, winking at you.

The bell went, and you walked off to class, Heather holding your hand and flaunting you in front of Veronica. She carried on with the blatant PDA and couple things, until the end of the day. She offered to walk you home, and of course, you said yes. The two of you chatted, walking home.

"So, how long are we gonna do the whole, fake couple, thing?" You asked.
"Only for today, I think we annoyed her enough." She answered, chuckling a little.
"Oh, okay.." You were a little disappointed, truth be told, you'd enjoyed it.
"I wondered if you'd like to do something else instead.." Duke began.
"Like what?" You interrupted.
"Well, instead of being a fake couple, how about being a real one?" She asked nervously.
"Really? I-I'd like that, a lot." You were fairly calm on the outside, but inside, you were freaking out.
"Good, so, how about you come round to my place for a sleepover tonight?" She suggested nonchalantly.
"Sounds amazing, I'll have to go and get some clothes from my place though." You complained.
"Just leave it, you can wear my clothes." She said, happy at the thought of you in her clothes.
"O-Okay, thanks!" You thanked her, smiling.
"I love you, by the way." She said, a little embarrassed.
"I love you too, Heather." You responded.

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