Heather Chandler x Shy!Reader - Health Class

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So, as a mandatory health class assignment, you and one other person had to look after a fake baby for one night. The teacher randomly paired you up, and you got Heather Chandler, your worst nightmare. You just knew she was gonna make you do all the work. She approached you after class,
"You. We're paired up together."
"Yeah?" You responded, a little confused.
"You're moving in with me temporarily to deal with this thing." She commanded.
"Can't I just take it home with me?" You asked.
"No, the thing records voices and if the teacher doesn't hear mine, I'll fail." She retorted.
"S-Sorry, but couldn't you just visit me for an hour or something..?" You questioned anxiously.
"I'm not going to do that. Either you live with me or have fun failing." She answered nonchalantly.
"I guess I'll pack my stuff and go round to yours." You said, giving in.
"I'll pick you up, 7pm, be ready." She told you.
"O-Okay!" You responded nervously.
She strutted away, and you made your own way home.

It took the most time to explain to your parents why you were moving in with some random girl from school, but they eventually gave in and let you. As fast as you could, you packed what you'd need, clothes, toothbrush, etc. Just as you'd finished packing, you heard a loud, drawn out car beep form outside. You picked up your fairly heavy backpack and dragged it out the door, and into Heather's trunk.
"Took you long enough." She complained.
"Sorry.." You apologised, looking away from her.
"It's fine." She reassured you.

You arrived at Heather's place pretty quickly, probably due to her speeding, but that's beside the point.

"Go upstairs, first door on your right." She informed you.
"Okay." You replied, trudging upstairs, weighed down by the bag.
"Nice room, right?" She asked, she already knew the answer she wanted though.
"Y-Yeah, very red.." You muttered the last part, but she heard.
"Well, it is my colour. Anyway, leave most of your stuff in your bag, I don't want your clothes cluttering up my wardrobe." She remarked.
"A-Alright, so, what's first?" You inquired.
"Well, nothing. You just wait till the thing starts crying." She responded, in a 'duh' tone.
"I-I guess, where is it?" You asked curiously.
"Over there." She pointed to a corner of the room where an old looking cot was, the fake baby in it.
"Where'd you get the cot from..?" You questioned, concerned.
"It's my old one, god, did you think I'd killed a kid for it or something?" She retorted.
"N-No, not at all!" You panicked a little.
"Relax, it was a joke." She reassured you, smiling a little.
"Right, sorry, I'm not good with people." You apologised, rubbing your neck, embarrassed.
"I can tell." She retorted.
"Y-Yeah.." You muttered.
"So, can you cook?" She asked.
"Not really, I can make spaghetti and stuff.." You answered.
"Right, well, there's spaghetti stuff in the cupboards somewhere." She said.
"D-Do you want me to go make some?" You questioned, unsure.
"Yes." She demanded.
"What's the magic word?" You teased.
"Please." She muttered.
"Alright." You went down the stairs and she shouted down to you,
"Make it with lots of oregano!"
"I will!" You shouted back.

You found the spaghetti ingredients, scattered around her kitchen. She clearly didn't cook much. It didn't take long, and you took the two bowls upstairs.

"Hey, I-uhm, hope you like it.." You smiled awkwardly at her.
She ate it pretty quickly and you finished not long after, then taking the bowls downstairs. As you were about to begin washing them, she tapped you on the shoulder, startling you.
"Haha, you're jumpy." She laughed.
"Y-Yeah.." You said, still a little shocked.
"The spaghetti was good." She complimented.
"I could teach you how to make it sometime?" You suggested.
"I'd like that, anyway, you do know I have a dishwasher, right?" She asked.
"I did not know that, where is it?" You questioned, genuinely unsure.
"Over there, are you blind?" She pointed to a, very obvious, silver dishwasher.
"Not as far as I'm aware." You muttered, a little irritated.
"What?" She asked, wanting you to repeat yourself.
"N-Nothing!" You shouted, panicking.
"Right.. Well, it's getting late, so, we should probably get to bed." She said.
"Sure, where am I sleeping?" You asked.
"There's a fold out bed in my room." She answered.
"O-Okay, thanks." You grinned at her.

All was fine, until about 2am when the fake baby began to scream. It woke you and Heather up immediately.

"Deal with it, Y/N.." She groaned.
"I am, jeez." You retorted.

After you fed it with the fake bottle thing, it was quiet again, and you went back to bed, for about half an hour, when it cried again. Yet again, Heather shouted for you to deal with it and you did. Until an hour later, it cried again, and this time you were too tired to get up and said,
"Heather, please deal with it.." You begged, burying your head under the pillow.
"Fine!" She shouted, stomping over to the cot.
"Thanks.." You responded, but you then remembered how drastic Heather could be, "Wait, no!"
"What?!" She screamed at you, annoyed.
"What're you gonna do..?" You asked, concerned.
"Just feed the thing." She responded casually.
"Phew." You were relieved.
"You really thought I was gonna take the batteries out or something?" She asked, offended.
"T-That's exactly what I thought, actually.." You admitted, laughing a little.
"Have some faith in me." She retorted.
"Alright.." You groaned and fell back asleep.

The baby didn't cry for the rest of the night, thankfully. The next morning you awoke to Heather's alarm blaring. You groaned,
"Do we really have to go to school..?"
"We'll get an F if we don't take the thing in." She explained, getting up out of bed.
"Fine, I'll get up. At least the thing didn't cry." You responded, dragging yourself out of bed.
"Now that was a miracle. Thanks for dealing with it most of the night, by the way." She thanked you genuinely and began to pick out her outfit.
"I would say anytime, but my god, I'm never putting up with a kid ever again." You joked.
"Haha! Me neither." She agreed, laughing.
"Right, I'll just get dressed in the bathroom and be right back." You informed her.
You came back in about 15 minutes, to see Heather was nowhere near ready. Luckily her alarm had been set quite early, so you had time to burn.
"Hey Heather, good to see your ready." You said sarcastically.
"Very funny." She retorted.
"I know, I'm a comedy genius." You responded dramatically.
"Sure, keep telling yourself that." She remarked.
"Oh, I will." You joked.
"You know, for a shy kid, you're not that bad. You're actually kind of cool, when you're not so nervous." She complimented you.
"Thanks, it takes me time to warm up to people I guess.." You explained, looking away from her in embarrassment.
"Figured. Hey, pass me that lipstick? It's on the table over there." She asked, pointing to one of her many glass tables.
"Sure." You walked over and handed it to her.
"Thanks." She applied it and pulled you closer by the collar of your shirt. She kissed you.
"How's it taste?" She smirked at you flirtatiously.
"G-Good.." You muttered, your face flushing a bright red.
"Aww, look who's all shy again." She teased.
"Oh, be quiet Heather." You retorted.
"That's better." She laughed.
"Heather, do you actually like me? Or were you just screwing with me?" You questioned.
"I actually like you, duh. I'm not gonna kiss just anyone." She responded, as though it was obvious.
"C-Cool, so would you maybe wanna go on a date this Friday?" You suggested nervously.
"Sure, where to?" She agreed.
"Wherever you want." You replied.
"How about you teach me how to make that spaghetti?" She asked.
"Sounds good." You responded.
"I'll pick you up, 8pm." She told you.
"Okay, awesome. Now let's get going before we're late." You said, leaving her room and going down the stairs.
"Chill your boots, I'm coming." She retorted.
"Don't forget the baby!" You shouted to her.
"I haven't!" She said, grabbing the plastic baby and following you down the stairs.

The two of you made it to class on time and ended up getting a D. That was because, when you'd gone back to sleep whilst Heather was "feeding the baby", she had taken out the batteries.

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