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C H A P T E R  2

"WHAT was your last conversation with Lydia like Ms. Ava" They were in a room, surprisingly not the room you think they'd be in. The harsh light pelted on Ava's skin allowing a whitewash to graze her over.  Squared white plaster-covered walls box the two in,  in an attempt to preserve privacy. Yet, they both knew above them a camera lay hidden, watching, listening, peering at them. It was the following morning. 

 Kenneth had decided to carry her to the office for further questioning. The night before had ended like any other cop in a strip club would, with him leaving with little to no answers to his queries. Looking at her now he failed to realize the intricate features she beheld.  A trident laid tatted at the side of her face, and a heart under her left eye. Her neck was covered in Arabic writing, one neither of them could translate.

 Her skin, however, was smooth, despite the bags under her eyes, she wore a lip moisturizer that glistened enough to signal hydration. Hair in cornrows, he watched her slumped state.  No doubt the rest of her body held scribblings done by a detailed inked nail, some he caught last night under the dancing yellow and pink lighting. She was calm, calculating as ever, whether it was due to their current environment or the weight that hung within his questions. 

"Nothing much" that was it, that was her answer. Nothing much with a shrug. Kenneth leaned back in his chair. Despite the obvious sexual taunt she had on him, he was serious with his job and nothing much wasn't going to cut it. Kenneth scuffed while Ava smirked, "Nothing much huh?"

On cue Kenneth squalled out several images in front of the woman, Ava glimpsed at the pictures but what it held seemed not to phase her. 

 Kenneth leaned back in the stiff metal chair once again, taking the posture of a calm detective "What do you see Ms. Ava?" 

 Her response was curt, straight to the point, lacking no background information, no slipping detail "Me"

"You doing what Ms.Ava?" Kenneth huffed, already annoyed with this process. 

A glimmer ran through her eyes, she was amused. Amusement was what he saw in her eyes, it shone within her irises depth. She was used to these settings, it was obvious due to the many crimes that are behind her name "Stealing.. isn't that obvious Mr.Cop"

"Its Kenneth, Kenneth Beau," Kenneth said already annoyed by the nickname she had given to him, it showed unprofessionalism. Nicknames were meant for colleges or friends, not for criminals and justice seekers.  "What were you stealing Ms. Ava" Kenneth continued wanting to get to the base of the problem. 

"Seeing that you already have the photo, you already are aware of what I stole" Ava pipped cocking a brow at the camera above her head. She knew exactly who was standing behind it watching and peering, the chief undoubtedly and another high ranked official. She knew the chief, she knew him well.

The men behind it the camera hist, she was smart. Too smart, she was able to slip in and out of their hold as she pleased. 

"You're  right, I am aware, but I need a confession first." Kenneth opted, being the woman in front of him, she was careful with her replies, that he'd give her.

"Confess what? What I stole?, I won't list things that I have in my possession, you snitch and I'll agree" Ava stated, looking smugger than before she entered. Time was ticking not for her but for them.

Kenneth growled the woman was infuriating. The bad type, the one that you have to stay away from but the toxicity was enticing." How about a diamond-encrusted revolver from out of Lydia Mote's room, I thought you said you spoke with her six months ago"

"I did"  Ava paused, smirking to herself "Normally a thief doesn't give their victims a heads up on what they're going to steal"

"Then why were you at her house?" Kenneth countered. 

Ava shrugged "To steal?" Was Ava's smug reply. 

Kenneth banged his hand on the table in efforts to frighten his victim, yet she didn't flinch. Her eyes were on him, a feline smile curving against her lips. She was looking at him hungrily as if she had remembered something

"I wish you had shown me such anger last night" She purred, Kenneth flushed.

"Now is not the time Ms.Ava" he whispered under his breath.

"The time? I think the timing is perfect" Her legs crossed allowing the tight denim skirt she had on to hitch higher, showing the curve of her ass.  

"Ms. Ava.." Kenneth said warningly, he felt a certain hunger stir inside him, a hunger he was trying to subside." Now isn't the time or place "

"Are you suggesting later then?" she hummed eyeing Kenneth with, dropped lids.

"No" was his sile response, yet he wanted to. 

"Mr. Cop" she groaned pushing her hair aside to reveal the hickey he left on her skin last night "Should I hike-up my skirt to show you the hand marks you left?" Her southern accent seemed to drop allowing a shiver to run down his spine. "Or should I just take off my clothes so we can finish what we started, you do have that three hundred dollars on you now don't you-"

The intercom blasted within the room to relieve Kenneth from his dread "That's enough Ms.Ava, We'll see you tomorrow" 


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