~*§ Prologue §*~

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The intense sounds of a heated fight rang in Katsuki's ears, a fog of smoke and ashes clouded his sight, as he could only see a few feet ahead of him. He panted as he stood, bent over as he held a gash on his arm, which was wet to the touch and trickled with blood. He forced his ruby eyes to look up scan his vague surroundings.

A few members of Class 2-A had been assigned a mission to deal with a gang of villains, yet both the school and the future hero's had severely underestimated them. Katsuki and the other assigned students had been spilt up by these underground villains, these people either had a whole plan set out or they were extremely experienced despite being so unknown.


He winced as he carefully gazed his injured arm with his hand, the sting shooting pain all the way down to his fingertips.

"Well, who do we have here..?"

A strong masculine voice echoed around him, sending a shiver down his spine. He spun around instinctively, facing the cause of the voice head-on.

Yet before he even had time to blink, he had been pushed onto the ground and pinned down by the strong male, and felt cold metal pressed against his forehead.

Katsuki's blood turned to ice as he took everything in. 'This guy was fast enough to pin me in a seconds notice and now has a gun held against my head..!? Who is this dude?' He squinted as he tried to adjust his eyes against the rising dust from being pinned so quick.

His eyes widened as he could start to make out his silhouette as the dust settled.

Red met red.

Katsuki should of been scared for his life, he should have been crying and pleading for mercy, yet he felt an odd sense of tranquility as he starred into the others eyes, and suddenly he felt a bit reassured, as weird as that sounds.

He must of felt it too, since  his harsh grip on Katsuki had lessened, and so had his cold glare, though it was still unreadable.

Loud booming could be heard in the near distance, which made the red headed man on top of him glance back towards the sound, giving Katsuki the perfect view to take in his appearance.

'Damn... he's kinda attractiv-' Katsuki mentality slapped himself. 'The fuck am I thinking!? This guy could be the end of me for all I know!'

Reality snapped back to him and started to struggle against his insanely strong hold on him, growling under his breath as the mans red eyes found their way back to him.

"Who are you!?" He sneered with that trademark devilish look in his eyes.

"Me? I'm just some underground..." he paused " assassin? You could say?" He said simply.

Katsuki felt fear slowly start to keep its way back into him as he tried to kick the other off. "Get off me!"

"Ow, ow— he pretended to be weak against Katsukis small kicks to his side with his knee— fine, chill out."

He released Katsuki and got back up, even offering him a hand, which he ignored and shot straight up.

"Chill out!? You expect me to be all fine with you when you could of easily killed me back there!" He snapped angrily.

His eyes became cold and less-forgiving as he took his hand back. "I could of killed a lot more, some of your classmates even." His voice wasn't as warm as before, it was drenched with warning and held a dangerous vibe.

Katsuki regretted using such tone with him, and mentally cursed at himself for being so hotheaded.

"Yknow, you've got spunk kid, I'll give ya that." His cold demeanour faded again as he finished his sentence, turning his back on Katuski and walking away.

Katsuki felt the need to say something and call out to him, so he did. "W-Wait..!" he immediately recoiled at the desperate tone of his voice. Yet he completely forgot as their red eyes locked together once more.

He smirked,

"The names Eijirou."he turned back and walked out of sight, into the fog.

"seemed like you wanted to know." He said with a flirtatious tone.

Criminalistic love - A Kiribaku fanficWhere stories live. Discover now