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"Max stop. Max" I felt soft shaking. I opened my eyes and I saw Max. "What are you dreaming about. I'm not doing anything" I jumped up. She leaned in "By any chance was it sexual" I turned her and said "even if it was, we've been having sex every single day since break started. That's not healthy. It's starting to hurt" she pulled me onto her lap and grabbed my butt. "I just don't understand how you're not a sexual person. I think sex might be the most important thing in a relationship" my eyes widened

"You seriously think sex is the most important. What about loyalty, trust, respect, communication. You'd top all those with sex." She looked confused "Those shouldn't even be in the category I'm talking about. Those should just be there. I mean the things that keep relationships alive. Like sex, spark...creativity." We were about to get into a brawl but now I'll refrain. "What if I said I'd never have sex with you but I wanted a relationship" she folded her arms and just stared at me. She didn't fall for my setup.

Now she's angry. I wrapped my arms around her "I think you're so pretty. You know that" I kissed her and she didn't kiss back. I continued to kiss her until she gave in. She kissed me back. She pulled back and said "Why do you constantly ask me questions that you know we're going to argue about." I looked down and she lifted my head "Stop it. I can't punish you for that anymore because you like my kisses." I looked into her eyes "I just...I don't know. It's a bad trait of mine." She grinned softly and said "You have no bad traits" I smiled

My door opened and it was my mom "Hey Max...your parents are here" she looked so confused. We both went downstairs and her parents were sitting in the living room. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room with her "Why are you here, how did you two even find this place." Her parents stood up
and came over "We wanted to say that you were right. You were completely right. We...we made grownup decisions and didn't take responsibility. We'll never be the best parents or close to it in your eyes but...we still want to try. If you'd let us" Max sat on the couch and so did I. She motioned across from her and her parents sat down.

"Ask anything and I'll tell you the answer honestly" I'm glad she's doing this. "Ok. Are you sexually-" Max stopped her father and said "Yes, very much so" he nodded and said "What did you want the most growing up that we didn't provide" she took a deep breath "A mom" her mom then said "Do you mean both of us." Max shook her head and said "No, it would've been nice to have a dad, having a dad is a luxury nowadays but I genuinely only wanted a mom. I wanted a best friend who I could talk to and play with. I would see other girls doing small things with their moms like going to the park or doing schoolwork together. I wanted hugs and kisses when I got home from school but I...I didn't get anything."

Her mom teared up "I'm really sorry Max" Max nodded. Her grip on my hand got tighter. "Ok. How did you two get together and how are you completely sure you like girls." Her father asked. I could see her mother glare at him. "Well. How do you know you don't like boys father" her dad looked offended and said "I would never be with a man. Not in my entire life" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why" he's answering the question "Because women are beautiful and are much better in bed than men will ever be" Max nodded and said "If that's the case then why would I want to be with a man." He just went quiet

"But Amelia used to be 'straight' but I caught feelings for her and she caught them for me. We've hit four months recently" I rolled my eyes and she snickered "Is that an inside joke we're not getting" we both nodded. It'll forever be an inside joke.


What's a secret that someone told you, that you have yet to tell anyone else?

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