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May 25
3:24 p.m.

"So, there's this church full of Jews, right?" Eddie was explaining as we walked through the hall. "And Stan has to take this super Jewy test."

"B-But how's it work?" Bill asked.

You tuned out the conversation as your mind wandered to the how of your situation. The reality finally settled on your shoulders during lunch and, after a mini mental breakdown in the bathroom, you decided it would be best not to panic or tell anyone that you were from a whole different universe.

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah," Stan explained, his sudden appearance snapping you out of it. "And then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man."

"I could think of funner ways to become a man," Eddie said, making Stanley frown.

"'More fun' you mean--"

"Oh, shit," Richie interrupted him. Everyone panicked, except for you since you were quite the oblivious little airhead, as you all walked passed Henry Bowers and his minions. Henry stood there with his arms folded, Belch and Patrick smiled malevolently at you all, and Vic merely gave you a threatening stare. "Think they'll sign my yearbook? 'Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer.'"


"Best feeling ever," Stanley sighed as he dumped the contents of his bookbag in the trash. The boys did the same, so you copied their movements.

"Yeah?" Richie snorted. "Try tickling your pickle for the first time."

"Dude," Bill smacked his arm and motioned to you, seeing as you clearly didn't have a pickle to tickle.

"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked, ignoring Richie and slinging his bookbag back onto his shoulder.

"I start my training," Richie smiled.

"Wait, what training?"

"Street Fighter."

"Is that how you wanna spend your summer?" Eddie rolled his eyes as everyone began to unlock their bikes from the rack. "Inside of an arcade?"

"Beats spending it inside of your mother. Oh!" Richie raised his arm for a high five while the rest of you rolled your eyes at him.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stanley suggested as he lowered Richie's arm.

"G-Guys, we have the B-Ba-Barrens," Bill reminded everyone. The mood seemed to dampen once that place was mentioned.

"Right," Stanley murmured, he definitely didn't seem to thrilled.

"Betty Ripsom's mom," Eddie suddenly said. You all turned to look at Mrs. Ripsom, standing next to a police officer, with Sherriff Bowers, Henry's dad, a few feet away.

"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stanley asked. You felt bad for the poor woman, especially since you knew Betty was long gone.

"I don't know," Eddie shrugged, turning back to the group. "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding at Home Ec. for the last few weeks."

"You think they'll actually find her?"

"Sure. In a ditch," Richie shrugged. "All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear."

"Shut up!" Eddie groaned. You chuckled as they bickered. "That's freaking disgusting."

"Sh-She's not dead," Bill frowned at them. The air around you grew tense and solemn. "She's m-mi-missing."

"Sorry, Bill. She's missing," Richie corrected himself, though he didn't really believe it. He was quick to change the subject. "You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?"

Patrick walked out behind you. Without warning, Henry grabbed Richie and pushed him into both Stan and yourself, knocking you three to the ground. Stan's kippa fell off and Patrick picked it up.

"Nice Frisbee, flamer," He taunted, holding the article away from Stanley.

"Give it back!" Stanley demanded. You glared at them and stood up, brushing the dirt off as Patrick laughed evilly and threw the kippa through the window of a passing school bus.

"Fucking losers!" Patrick laughed, stepping away. Belch burped in Eddie's face, making him gag.

"Loser," Henry bumped Bill as he and his friends walked away.

"You s-suck, Bowers!" Bill stuttered angrily.

"Shut up, Bill," Eddie hissed as he stood up, knowing better than to pick a fight with Henry Bowers. You helped both Stan and Richie up while Henry, Belch, and Patrick turned around.

"You s-s-s-say something, Bi-Bi-Bi-Billy?" Henry mocked. You wanted to open your mouth to defend him, it wasn't his fault he had a stutter, but Richie slapped your arm so that you wouldn't make it worse. "You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough."

You looked over and saw Henry's father take off his glasses and look at his son with a stern facial expression that said "Leave him alone, son."

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends," Henry ran his hand along his tongue and wiped it on Bill's cheek; he, Belch, and Patrick walked off to Belch's car, where Vic was waiting, and the four of them got in the car.

"I wish he'd go missing," Richie grumbled

"He's probably the one doing it," Eddie added.

As soon as the assholes were out of sight, you ran over to Bill. You took a napkin you stuffed in your pocket from lunch and began to wipe the saliva off of his face. Behind your back, the boys, aside from Stan, were making googly eyes at Bill, causing him to flush.

"Ignore him, Billy," you cupped his face with your free hand and tilted his head to wipe off the last of the saliva. You looked up at him and smiled softly. "He's not worth getting angry."

"Jesus fucking Christ, just get married already," Richie rolled his eyes. You stepped away from Bill and turned to him, flipping him off with a sarcastic smile.

"An-Anyway, w-we'll meet at the B-B-Barrens, right?" Bill asked as you threw the spiled napkin away. Everyone agreed and rode off in different directions, but you went with Bill since he lived right next door. "I'll be at your door i-in about th-thir-thirty minutes."

"Alright," you replied as he split away from you, turning into his driveway while you went a little further to get to yours.


You stepped out of your house and saw Bill already waiting for you. He smiled and started idle conversation as the two of you began your ride down to the Barrens.

"Wh-What's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing, I'm fine," you replied. You had to bite your tongue all day. The amount of times you wanted to chip into their conversations was unbearable, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. After all, anything you said could change the course of the movie.

"You've barely said a w-word all day, {Y/N}," he pointed out. "It's not like you."

"I just..." you sighed as you tried to find the words. "I'm scared? I just don't want to mess up."

"M-Mess up what?" He pushed as the two of you made it to the woods. Bill waited as you silently thought about his question.


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