t w e l v e

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June 12
2:04 p.m.

Everyone chased after Bill. He had gone off after who he thought was Georgie. After Eddie dropped his flashlight into some grey water, decomposed heads pioped out, causing you all to scream and run into the center of the well house.

"Bev!" Mike quietly called out. His flashlight shone on her body, suspended in air.

"Holy shit!" Richie exclaimed as everyone ran over to her.

"How is she in the air?"

Eddie looked up and pointed at the pile of toys. More specifically, he motioned to the bodies that were floating just like Beverly. "Guys... are those--"

"The missing kids," Stan gulped, answering Eddie. "Floating."

"Shit," Richie cursed as he and Mike helped lift Ben, who was trying to grab Beverly. "I'm slipping!"

Ben got a hold on her shoulders and gently pushed her down to the ground as Mike and Richie lowered them. Her eyes were literally clouded over and her mouth hung open. Ben looked into her eyes, but she didn't respond.

"Bev! Beverly!" He shook her multiple times before turning to look at everyone else. "Why isn't she waking up?! What is wrong with her?! C'mon Bev!"

He leaned her head on his shoulder as he tried to think. As if something suddenly occurred to him, he perked up and moved her face, still holding onto her shoulders. Ben leaned in and kissed Beverly, making the boys groan and look away.

Beverly gasped, her eyes cleared up and she stood firmly against the ground. She looked at Ben with a small smile, "January embers."

"My heart burns there too," Ben smiled back, looking overjoyed that his Disney-like idea actually worked.

You and Eddie walked over to where you thought Bill would be, the others followed closely behind. Walking around the pile of toys revealed Bill, staring at Georgie.

"What took you so long?" Georgie cried, making Bill bite his lip before speaking.

"I was looking for you this who-who-whole time," He replied. Bill fought his tears as best he could as he looked at his little brother.

"I couldn't find my way outta here," Georgie frowned and took a little step closer. "He said I could have my boat back, Billy."

"Was she fast?"

"I couldn't keep up with it," Georgie nodded. You put your hand over your mouth, the scene broke your heart.

"She, Georgie," Bill corrected, just as he had in the beginning of the movie. "You call boats 'she'."

"Take me home, Billy," Georgie begged, tears running down his face. The rest of the losers caught up and they couldn't believe what they were actually seeing. "I wanna go home. I miss you. I wanna be with mom and dad."

Both Bill and Georgie had started sobbing. Bill walked closer, not breaking eye contact with him, "I want more than anything for you to be home. With mom and dad, I miss you so much."

"I love you, Billy," Georgie smiled through his tears.

"I love you, too," Bill replied, taking a deep breath as he raised the gun and cocked it. "But you're not Georgie."

The rest of the losers, other than you since you knew what was going to happen, gasped when Bill raised the gun to Georgie's head. He placed it between his eyes and, without hesitating, fired. The body fell back and all was silent, until he started shaking and spasming. His limbs transformed one by one until he turned into the clown.

I Wasn't Careful (Bill Denbrough X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now