n i n e

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May 27
4:12 p.m.

Bill threw open the door. There was no Betty, thankfully, just a normal hallway. Richie sighed in relief, "Thank fuck!"

"Eddie!" Bill shouted.

You heard his cries from downstairs and all raced toward him. You ended up in what looked like it used to be a kitchen with Eddie sitting against a wall, cradling his arm to himself as Pennywise stood over him.

"Holy shit..." Richie mumbled.

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you?" The clown turned to look at where you all stood in the doorway. "It was real enough for Georgie."

The clown lunged for you when it suddenly cried out as Beverly shoved an old fence post through its eye. Even she was shocked at her own actions, but you paid no mind to her an ushered Bill and Richie over to Eddie's side.

"Guys! Look out!" He pointed behind you with his not terribly broken arm.

Pennywise had turned to face you, but was looking a bit different. His face was deformed and drooling, his teeth were sharp as he snarled. His hand did some weird ass werewolf transformation and he swung it around the room that the rest of the losers had rushed into.

One of It's massive claws sliced Ben's stomach and he fell to the floor. It growled once more before backing out the door your little group had entered through. Once he had completely disappeared, everyone turned their attention to Eddie seeing as he had the worst injury by far.

Bill, on the other hand, got to his feet and began running toward the doorway. "Don't let him get away!"

"Bill! Leave him!" You stood with and grabbed his arm. However, you immediately retracted your hand when you both hissed in pain. A large chunk of glass had somehow buried itself in your palm and slightly cut Bill's arm when you held him. "Shit, sorry."

"Don't fucking touch me! Do not touch me!" Eddie shrieked, breaking your focus from the glass in your hand. Richie grabbed his arm and you closed your eyes, instead listening to the sickening snap that rang through the room followed by Eddie's screams.


"You! You all did this!" Everyone stood around Eddie's mother as she shoved him into the car. He was crying, whether it was from pain or fear, you didn't know. "You know how delicate he is!"

"We were attacked M-M-Mrs--"

"No! You are all monsters! Eddie is done with you!" She screeched, rudely cutting Bill off before he could interrupt. Mrs. Kaspbrak fiddled with her keys and dropped them out of anger. Bev, being the literal angel she is, went to help her and pick them up, only to have the woman shove her away in disgust and snatch her keys from the sidewalk. "Get back! Oh, I know all about you, Miss Marsh... And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" You finally snapped. In all honesty, you had wanted to stand up to Eddie's mother every time you watched the scene.

"Watch your mouth, little girl," she snarled. "You shouldn't use such a tone with an adult."

"Adult?" You laughed bitterly. "As far as I'm concerned, you're a petty little bitch that likes sticking her nose where it doesn't belong! What a fifteen year old girl does or doesn't do is none of your concern."

"What did you call me?" She glared down at you and took a threatening step forward. You crossd your arms defyingly, standing your ground.

I Wasn't Careful (Bill Denbrough X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now