A Fight

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(A/N: Wassup broskis? Mainly one broski but whatever anyways.. this is actually the first story that I've actually planned things out so-)
(3rd Person POV)

So, Lance and Allura are a thing. Ha..Klance? What's that? No, but seriously, Lance and Allura...back together..seems okay since they were dating before and all...right?

No. This wasnt the same Allura that Lance knew. How did he come to this conclusion? Well, it was a hot summer day. Lance casually woke up at 8 in the morning and made breakfast for himself. His dad was at work and his mom had woken up earlier to take the kids to daycare, so she could also go to work. That meant that the only ones home were Veronica and Lance since the other older siblings also had work.

Veronica stays home and does god knows what. She never leaves unless she's told to or has to go run an errand. Veronica also helps Lance out through tough times when their father yells at Lance. She has always been there for Lance no matter what happened. She was also the first person in the family that Lance came out to. She was the first person in the family to accept Lance. The sad truth is that everyone in Lance's family accepted him. Everyone but his father.

But, that's enough of his sob story. Lance never likes to talk about it. Well, he only ever talks about it with Veronica, but that's not the point. Anyways, it was a hot summer day, he made breakfast, blah blah blah. It was now 10 in the morning. He had plans to go out with Allura later in the afternoon. Their first 'date' since they got back together. He made sure to dress nicely and all that. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the front door.

(Lance's POV)

Who could possibly be knocking at the door? Well, I guess I should open the door and find out then. I open the door to see Keith. What is he doing here?? "Hi, Lance." He pushes me a little bit and welcomes himself in. "What are you doing?" I ask him and he simply looks back at me and then heads towards the couch in the living room. I shut the front door and follow him. "What do you want from me?" I ask and he just looks at me. "Does Allura seem strange to you?" Keith asks me and I scoff. "Wow, that's kinda rude. You're just saying that to scare me." Keith all of a sudden gets annoyed. "It was a simple question that required a simple yes or no."

I simply brush off the annoyance in his tone of voice and sit next to him on the couch. "No, Allura doesnt seem strange at all." I lied to him. For the first time ever, I lied to Keith. Is this what happens when couples break up? They lie to each other? "Lance! You spaced off for a second." Lance shakes his head out of it. "Yeah." I say and he looks concerned. "Are you okay?" Keith asks me and I get up off of the couch.

"What do you think? How do you think I feel right now? Out of the blue, you welcome yourself into my family's house. Out of the blue, you ask me about Allura. Out of the blue. Why are you here?!" I'm upset. Very upset. We had a perfect relationship until Allura came back and Keith decides to break up. Yeah, I did miss Allura and talk about her all the time, but that didnt mean that I would want to break up with Keith because of it.

"Wow okay. Get mad all of a sudden why dont you? I came here to ask about Allura. She seems very off and weird all of a sudden." Keith please dont make this worse. Please. "Dont talk about my girlfriend like that." God damn it Keith! You're pissing me off! "Well, I'm sorry! I didnt mean to piss you off lover boy!" Keith stop. Just stop. You have no idea what you're doing to me. "Oh, you've really done it now Keith."

Keith looks at me with his angry face. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" That's it. "I dont wanna see you ever again! Dont ever come back to this house! Dont ever speak to me ever again! Get out of my house before I make this worse!" Crying. Keith is crying. I've never seen him cry because of me. He runs out the door and slams it shut making me wince. You've really done it self. I hate you. I hate myself. All of those words I regret saying. I didnt mean it. I'm so stupid. I'm so fucking stupid.

I look over to find Veronica standing there with a shocked look on her face. She immediately finds me staring at her. "Wow..that was terrible." Yeah, you've said it Veronica. That was absolutely terrible. I sit on the couch and immediately break into tears. Veronica sits next to me and hugs me. "I know, I know. Let it all out." She tells me and I cry even more. "I..I didnt mean it.." I say through shaky breathes. "I know you didnt mean it. I know that you arent the type to say that kind of stuff. You were just pissed off and upset. But, Keith doesnt know that. You should apologize to him later today." I nod my head in agreement and continue crying while hugging Veronica tightly. I really need to apologize..I am so sorry Keith..I didnt mean any of it..

Did I make you upset? Pissed off? Well, just think, Lance feels the same way. :)

Nah for real though, this made me upset. I'm just glad that I planned this out a little bit. Also, Veronica is literally so frikken wholesome, like..come on! Who doesn't love a sister who's there for you? I dont have one so ya know, cant relate haha

Thanks for reading! This is Author-Trash signing out!
Words: 1021

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