Important Information

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(A/N: The end is near peeps. Dont worry, it won't be a cliffhanger kind of ending.)
(3rd person POV)

The team, excluding Lance, took Allura to their base. Which was really just Pidge's house, in a room that was sound proof both ways and was in the basement. No one could here what they were doing and no one from inside the room could here anything from the outside. Keith and Shiro guarded the room from the outside. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran were inside with Allura. Allura was tied up with rope, sitting on a chair. The chair was connected to the floor and couldn't be broken. She was blindfolded as well.

"Take the blindfold off." Pidge said to Coran and he so he did just that. "We are going to ask you some questions." Hunk said to Allura and she just stared at him with no emotion in her eyes. "Who created you?" Pidge asked Allura getting no response until a few minutes passed by. "That is classified information." Allura finally stated. Pidge was furious. "I don't care if its classified. Answer the god damn question." Shiro couldn't hear her cursing, so she wasn't scolded for her language. Once Pidge noticed that she smiled. "I can't answer that question. Its classified." Allura was speaking in a very monotone voice. Now showing her clone side.

Ten minutes passed. They continued on with their questions, but Allura wouldn't answer them. Pidge was about to give up, but suddenly Hunk had an idea. "Pidge, come here for a second." Pidge went over to Hunk. He whispered to her. "If she truly is a clone, we can just access her memories. That way, we can get all of our questions answered with no problems." Pidge smiled a devilish grin. "Hunk, you are so smart!" She hugged him and then went over to Allura. She found her disable button and pushed it. Then she connected a cable to Allura to access her memories.

A few minutes passed and Pidge was still rewinding to Allura's past. Almost as if she had been alive for a long time. Like the clone Allura was created the moment the real Allura died. Which had been a few years ago. When she finally reached the clone's past, she unpaused it and watched closely. The first person she saw was someone very familiar. Hunk and Coran gasped in shock. Hunk went over to the door and told Shiro and Keith to come look. They all went over to see the person who made Allura.

Zethrid. They had helped her stay alive and well and what do they get in return? A clone of Allura. What was Zethrid up to? What was she trying to do? What were her plans? And then they heard her say the exact answer. "I just want to kill Voltron, once and for all." Maybe Keith shouldn't have saved her that day. The day she attacked him and almost killed him. Maybe he should've let her fall. This wouldn't have happened if he let her die. Of course, he was being human. Trying to save her because she needed to be saved deep down.

"We need to find Zethrid. Track her down now. I'm going to go get Lance." Keith ran out of the room and away from the rest of the team. Shiro nodded at them and headed out as well. He was going to get his crew along with Curtis, his husband. They needed all the help and backup they could get. Pidge and Hunk left clone Allura disabled and burned her. They didn't need anymore information from her anymore. Coran just sat around knowing he couldn't do much. He was just there being his gorgeous self.
(A few hours before this)

"Tell me, Lance. What happened?" Veronica was worried about her little brother. "Well..." Lance hesitated to answer. He couldn't come up with an answer really. A lot just happened to him. "I..broke up with Allura." Veronica looked at Lance with sympathy and worry. "Was there a reason?" Lance nodded his head. "Apparently she's a clone." Veronica was shocked. "How did you find that out?" Lance looked at Veronica and then back at the floor. "Pidge found out that her blood was fake."

Veronica sat next to Lance on his bed and soothingly rubbing his back in a circling motion. "I'm so sorry to hear about this, Lance. I know how much you loved her." Lance shook his head. "I love Keith more." Veronica stopped rubbing his back and looked over at Lance. He was crying, but covering his face with his hands. You could hear soft whimpers coming from him. Veronica knew he was very upset. He didn't just lose Allura, he also lost Keith. He had no one to love.

"I'm sure he still likes you. Just tell him how you feel." Veronica was trying so hard to comfort Lance and to her surprise, he listened to her. "Okay." Was all he could say through his tears. He was struggling to talk. It had been a few hours in their conversation, when suddenly they could both hear a knock coming from the front door. "I'll answer it." Veronica stood up, but immediately turned around when she felt someone grab her arm. "No, I'll get it." Lance let go of Veronica and walked over to the front door. He wiped his tears, but he still had a sad look on his face. He opened the door and before he could say anything, he was pulled into a hug.
So? What'd you think?

Who was at the door? Who hugged Lance?

You're just gonna have to find out in the next chapter.

Oh and there may be like 1 or 2 more chapters after this. I'm not sure yet. I was going to continue on this, but it was already reaching 1000 words, so I just stopped it at a cliffhanger. Sorry.


-This is Author-Trash signing out-
Words: 1000

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