The Break-up

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(A/N: Wow these updates are really random at this point. Sorry about that. 😅)
(3rd person POV)

Lance was sitting around in his house. He was thinking of breaking up with Allura. She obviously wasn't the real Allura that he knew. I mean, duh, she's a clone now. Lance just didn't know what his excuse would be. He couldn't say that it's because she's not the real Allura because then she would know what they knew. He couldn't say something really stupid like 'It's not you, it's me' because that just meant that it really was her and not him.

He finally just decided to tell her that he wasn't in love with her anymore. That he found her unattractive. He called her and told her to meet him at the coffee shop around 9 AM. She accepted and then he ended the call. This was going to be hard on him, but not as hard as the first time. Only because now, this wasn't even the real Allura. A fake. A clone.
(Lance's POV)

I walked over to the coffee shop and waited for Allura to arrive. I ordered a coffee and sat down. When I sat down, I saw Allura walk in. She saw me, smiled, and then waved at me. I waved back. She ordered her coffee and then sat down across from me. "Is something wrong?" She looked at me with worry and concern. "Yeah, uh, I need to talk to you about something." She then looked at me with even more worry and concern. "What do you want to tall about?"

I told her how I've loved her for quite a while and was so happy to see her again. Then I told her that I, however, was no longer attracted to her. I said I was sorry. Then I said, " I'm breaking up with you." She looked at me with shock. But then the expression turned into anger. "What?! What do you mean?! Its because of Keith, isnt it?!" She was so loud that everyone was staring at her. "Allura, please calm down." I motioned towards everyone there. "Calm down?! You broke up with me and you expect me to calm down?!" The manager came over to us and looked annoyed. "Ma'am if you dont quite down, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

We ended up getting kicked out. I was allowed to come back anytime since the yelling wasn't my fault. However, Allura was never allowed back. I guess that coffee shop could also be a getaway for me too. "You're really breaking up with me.." Allura looked down at her feet and seemed sad. However, I knew that she was just acting to make me feel bad. "Yeah." I started to walk away, but then she grabbed my arm. "Lance, wait." I look back at her. "What?" I swear if she says that I'll regret this... "You're going to regret this." Called it. "Actually, I don't think I will." I brushed her arm off and started walking away again. "Goodbye forever Allura."
(3rd person POV)

The paladins, excluding Lance and Allura, walked out from their hiding places and put a huge blanket over Allura. They put her in a van. They weren't going to kill her just yet. They wanted answers from her. Lots of answers. Lance walked home happily because he no longer had to deal with this clone. He could finally relax. Well, he could until he heard a knock on his room's door. He got up from his bed and walked over to his door, opening it. He saw Veronica. She pushed past him, letting herself in. "Talk."

So? How was the story?

What do you think Veronica wants to know about?

Thanks for reading!
Words: 633

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