Wizards share one very important trait with Muggles: their unbridled love of food.
This book is about to show you the foods prepared on Wizarding dining tables and their magical diet. Prepare to feel very, very hungry.
Note: This book is for refere...
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26. Chocolate frogs are a very popular sweet made from chocolate in the form of a frog. They come with a collectible card of a famous witch or wizard in each pack. Chocolate frog cards are sold on the cart aboard the Hogwarts Express as well as at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade.
27. Chocolate Gateau. A large rich chocolate layer cake, where some of the layers are made of cream or fruit.
28. Cockroach Clusters. These are sold in Honeydukes next to the blood-flavored lollipops in the far corner of the shop marked "Unusual Tastes". Remembering that Fred once gave him an acid pop that burned a hole in his tongue, Ron considered retaliating by passing off a cockroach cluster as peanuts.
29. Corn flakes are a breakfast cereal served at both Hogwarts and (stale) at the Railview Hotel.
30. Cream Cakes. A cake with a creamy filling.
31. Crumpet. A sort of yeasty, rubbery bread formed into small, flat circlets and baked. The texture is not only rubbery, but full of holes. The finished product is meant to be grilled or griddled until slightly crunchy and served soaked in butter. Not the same thing as a muffin.
32. Crisp (known as a potato chip in North America) was a thin slice of potato baked or fried until it became crunchy. They were a popular snack food.
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33. Crystallised pineapple, Horace Slughorn's favorite sugary treat, is pineapple chunks soaked in sugar for days and coated with sugar crystals. Slughorn sometimes received crystallized pineapple as a gift from his collection of "favorite" people.
34. Custard Tart was a type of pastry consisting of an outer pastry crust and filled with custard, typically eaten as a form of dessert.
On 1 September 1992, custard tart was served at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's Welcoming Feast. While in Severus Snape's office after Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley had crashed into the Whomping Willow, Albus Dumbledore told Snape that he wished to sample this "delicious-looking" food
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35. Drooble's Best Blowing Gum fills the room with bluebell-colored bubbles that refuse to pop for days.
36. Edible Dark Marks. Sickening sweets based on the tattoos of Voldemort's followers () Sold by Weasleys Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley.
37. Egg-nog was a rich and creamy drink made from milk, sugar, whipped eggs and often liquor such as brandy or rum. It was traditionally drunk during the Christmas season.
— Penny Haywood's mother's egg-nog recipe included vanilla, nutmeg, and cloves, which her daughter used and shared with her two friends, Nymphadora Tonks and Jacob's sibling, during their Christmas holiday stay at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
— At the Christmas Feast at Hogwarts in 1992, Albus Dumbledore lead those present in his favourite carols, and Rubeus Hagrid got progressively louder with each glass of egg-nog he drank.
— During the Christmas gathering at The Burrow in 1996, Arthur Weasley hastily asked if anyone wanted egg-nog to prevent Fleur Delacour from finishing a negative assessment of the song "A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love" by Molly Weasley's favourite singer, Celestina Warbeck. He returned a short time later with the egg-nog, handing a glass to Remus Lupin while he was busy talking to Harry Potter.
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38. Eggs are served for breakfast at Hogwarts (scrambled).
39. Elderflower Wine. Served to the Weasley family after supper at the Burrow.
40. Elf-Made Wine. A "blood-red" wine made by house-elves served by Severus Snape at Spinner's End to Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. The bottle was old and dusty, of unknown origin, though possibly made by house-elves at Hogwarts.
41. Fever Fudge. One selection in the Weasley Twins' Skiving Snackboxes. Eating Fever Fudge causes your temperature to go up, and pustules to form in a delicate place (making broom-sitting uncomfortable). Essence of Murtlap clears up the boils from Fever Fudge, which the Twins learned from Lee Jordan, who learned it from Harry, who learned it from Hermione after his painful detention with Dolores Umbridge.
42. Fizzing Whizzbees. A sweet available in Honeydukes.
43. Fried Tomatoes. It is a known flavour of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Fried tomatoes are served at Hogwarts.
44. Fruit Cake. Cake stuffed with various fruits.
— Christmas cake is a type of fruitcake traditionally served in Great Britain at Christmas. Christmas cake was served at the Christmas feast of 1991and 1992.
— In 1993, Molly Weasley gave Harry Potter a Christmas cake as a Christmas present. Molly Weasley also baked a Christmas cake for Christmas supper in 1996, complete with an animated toy penguin figure skating on the icing.
45. Fry-up. A full meal of fried food, typically including eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, toast, and tomatoes.
46. Gamp's Old Gregarious. A type of beer sold at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, said to have a horrible taste. Named for Minister of Magic Ulick Gamp, who allowed the famous wizarding tavern to stay open in London after the Statute of Secrecy, and permit the owner to control access to the other shops from the alleyway behind the pub.
47. Garlic is useful for seasoning food and for warding off vampires.
48. Gigglewater. 1920s North American slang for alcoholic beverages. The magical variety actually causes the drinker to giggle.
49. Gillywater. A drink served at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Minerva McGonagall ordered this drink from Madam Rosmerta.
50. Ginger Newt. A type of biscuit found on Minerva McGonagall's Office.