RvB S3 Ep1"The Best Laid Plans"

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Blood Gulch

Tucker is lying face down in the ground, with Donut standing over him.

Tucker: (lifeless moans)

Donut: Come on mister blue guy, you gotta wake up. Wake up.

Tucker: It hurts. Just let me die.

Donut: You can't die, I'm bored! All these girls wanna talk about is chick stuff, and not the fun chick stuff like ribbons and unicorns.

To Tex and Sheila.

Tex: I don't have treads, but I often find them staring at things they really shouldn't be.

Back to Donut and Tucker.

Donut: You see? Boring stuff like oppression, and a hostile work environment.

Tucker: Get Doc, I need Doc.

Donut: I can't. He got possessed by that evil guy and they escaped. He's the one that shot you. Don't you remember?

Tucker: I know. I want him to shoot me again.

Donut: Now now now, sounds like someone's got a case of the "poor me"s. If you were gonna die you would have done it by now! Maybe you just need to realize, you're gonna have to live with intense pain.

Tucker: Get that Sarge guy, have him make me a new body.

Donut: Huhg, we can't. We're out of parts because we overused that joke. And Sarge left with the others to chase Doc. But don't you worry, they left a long time ago, so I'm sure they'll be back any minute. Simmons had a fool-proof plan to catch him.

Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center

GLaDOS: WeLl, ThIs Is UnExPeCtEd. I nEvEr WoUlD'vE tHoUgHt I'd MeEt AnOtHeR lIvInG hUmAn In ThE fLeSh. BeCaUsE yOu'Re MaDe Of FlEsH aNd BoNeS.

Matthias: (thought) What did I do to deserve this?

GLaDOS: I sUpPoSe We ShOuLd JuSt Go ThRoUgH tHe FoRmAlItIeS, aNd GeT tO tEsTiNg.

The light suddenly goes out, leaving Matthias in a pitch black atmosphere. This doesn't concern him in the slightest though, and doesn't even bother to turn on his night vision. While GLaDOS is talking, he can see the room getting rearranged around him.

GLaDOS: HeLlO, aNd WeLcOmE tO tHe ApErTuRe ScIeNcE cOmPuTeR-aIdEd EnRiChMeNt CeNtEr. We HoPe YoU'rE tRaVeL hErE wAs A pLeSeAnT oNe.

Matthias: (sarcastically) Yeah, thanks. Glad to be here. Not really my choice, but still, glad to be here. (thought) Goddamnit, Simmons, you had one job!

The room continued to form. 

GLaDOS: BeFoRe We StArT, hOwEvEr, KeEp In MiNd, ThAt AlThOuGh FuN aNd LeArNiNg ArE tHe PrImArY gOaLs Of AlL eNrIcHmEnT cEeNtEr AcTiViTiEs, SeRiOuS InJuRiEs MaY oCcUr. FoR yOuR oWn SaFeTy AnD tHe SaFeTy Of OtHeRs, PlEaSe ReFrAiN fRoM-

Matthias: (interrupting) I get it, thank you. Why don't we just skip the tutorial, and get to testing already?

The buzzing and whirring in the room falls silent, as the renovation is finished. The lights suddenly come back on, with a changed scenery. Matthias is now standing in a glass cube. Infront of him is a white wall. Looking around, he can also see a little table with an empty mug, a clipboard and a radio on it, which, as the lights turn on, immediatly starts playing a catchy and addictive tune. Turning right, there is a toilet, along with a weird looking bed, which has a glass dome over it.

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