Chapter 20: What's best for the one I love

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"You must eat lunch on time." Jongin beamed at me as he lifted the spoon near my face.

I opened my mouth and ate what was on the spoon. I chewed the food before replying, "I had a lot of new applicants to interview."

He narrowed his eyes on me. I could see his jaw clenching as he looked at me. "Even so..." He muttered as he fed me another. "Damn. I should've asked Seolhyun to bring you food for lunch."

I chewed the food and stared at him. Right now, I feel like it's four years over and over again. He's here, feeding me lunch, telling me not to skip meals for anything, taking care of me so well. I could remember every minute we spent doing these same things years go. And the feeling is so good—so good that I could actually love time to stop.

"It's fine. My members could do that for me." I told him and smiled, assuring him that I'm fine.

Because I really am fine.

I have skipped a lot of meals when I was away and nothing bad happened to me. I don't think it would make any difference now.

He let out a deep breath before reaching for my cheek. "I could do that for you, too. You don't need others. You only need me." He said in a possessive and authoritative voice.

I could help but smile. "Okay." I surrendered because I know I couldn't escape.

There's something about his words that makes me submit to him as a whole, without doubts, without questions. I am certainly aware that this is the downside of loving him but I could care less about anything right now. The fact that we're together, again, is the main force that keeps me going.

I went back to the office even with Seolhyun looking at me suspiciously. I couldn't blame her or anyone. Everyone knows that Jongin is with Gil Raya. He being with me is an untold story.

Hyuna was panicking when I arrived in the office. She's biting her lip as she paces back and forth from her desk to Sungjae's desk.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped to him.

She looked at me with worried eyes. "Someone is fabricating rumors about the CEO kissing a woman at a resort." She replied as she bit her lip.

My heart constricted the moment I heard her words. Someone saw Jongin and I at the resort? Now, I'm nervous...did that someone recognize who he was with?

"It was an investor, Miss Eunhye. Everyone's freaking out. The stocks of the company are falling by the minute. Three of our major investors have pulled out their shares in the company." Hyuna continued. "And the launching of the new branch seems to be at stake as well."

I pursed my lips in a thin line. My mind is blank. I don't know what to do. Damn it! I am the HR head! I should know what to do! I should initiate the first move.

"Miss Eunhye, we need to stop the rumors." Hyuna said.

I know. I know that. But how? How can I stop the rumors when I know that the rumors are true?

"Bring me the person who saw the said incident." I told Hyuna.

She looked at me, surprised at my authoritative tone.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Is he identified?" I asked. "Are the rumors true? Or does anybody just want to bring the company down?"

Hyuna pursed her lips in a thin line. "He's not yet identified, Miss Eunhye." She replied. "But the boys are trying their best to know the person behind all these." She continued.

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