I can't lose you

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<Klio POV>

Dad has been running for more than 40 minutes.We left the pack territory about 15 mins ago and to my surprise no one has given chase yet. I'm not sure where we are headed and I doubt dad knows either. It doesn't matter anyways. Everything will never be the same . My pack, friends , my house looking down at dad and my heart ached , tears spilling uncontrollably . Mami....she's gone , they are all gone. I didn't need to see her death. I heard it and Papa confirmed my thoughts. I could feel his anguish pouring out of him. Losing a mate breaks your soul. Feeling the void that your other half once filled drove many wolves insane.They couldn't take the suffering , the emptiness and the only way they were able to find peace was death. I fear how dad will be , he is all I've got and I can't lose him too. 

Shivering at the thought , I lowered myself and hugged dad . I felt a thick substance between my fingers and that's when I remembered that dad had been injured in the fight.

"Papa your wound!" I shouted. "Stop , stop running." Dad slowed down and came to a halt .I hopped off his back and bent down to check his stomach. I could see that the edges of the wound had turned light pink which means that he is healing. But we need to keep the wound clean to prevent getting any infection. He sat down to rest , panting hard from the long run. I could see that he was lost in his thoughts , mourning the loss of his mate. I wanted to curl up and cry but I couldn't. I did not want to lose my dad too so I forced my emotions aside and focused on my dad. I need to find a way to keep the wound clean. 

"Papa" I said , but he did not hear me so I tugged on his fur lightly and spoke a little louder ,"Papa, could you see if you can hear or smell any river close by?" I was able to gain his attention but he stared at me, seeming to not hear what i've just said. I could see the distance in his eyes and I wanted to scream at him . Fear and frustration building up in me seeing him slowly crumble away but I kept quiet not wanting to upset him further . He is all that I've left, I just can't lose him. I repeated slowly and he finally heard what I said , though it took him a while to process my words. Lifting his head , he closed his eyes and concentrated on listening to locate any sound of water flowing. After a minute or two , he opened his eyes and started heading off and I quickly followed behind. The walk was silent, dad did not say a single word but that was alright as I was lost in my own thoughts. What if i listened to dad ,then maybe he would be able to save mum instead. No what if i hadn't suggested getting mum first and followed along with his plans of bringing me to somewhere safe. Then maybe things would not have turned out like this.

I started questioning everything, maybe the outcome would be different. I shouldn't have screamed for help. Maybe then dad wouldn't have heard me and he might be able to save mum...... I should've just died. My thoughts slowly turned darker , I felt guilty for being alive while others were dead. I remember them huddling togethers. The older members tried their best to comfort the younger ones. The look of betrayal in their eyes as dad carried me out the hideout killed me. Why should I be alive? This was the last thought on my mind as we reached the river. 

I ushered dad to get into the river and I started gently cleaning the wound clean, then I washed off the blood on him. Dad got out of the river and laid down next to a tree , closing his eyes. Releasing a sigh, I took off my clothes and submerged myself in the water. I could see the water flowing downstream, the trees rustling and the birds chirping. So peaceful. I chuckled humorously.


HELLO *waves like a maniac*  Thank you for reading my story!

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Im from Singapore , a small but cool country . Where are you from?

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Cya soon <3


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