Our SLink Introduction

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Welcome to our very first SLink Awards: Character Edition.

If you don't know what slink means, let us explain.

According to the dictionary, "slink", the verb means "move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps, in a stealthy or sensuous manner."

Our awards, well, will be slinky. It will be smooth and quick, yet quiet?

At Ink, while thinking about hosting an award competition, we thought about bringing something new and fun to the table.

So instead of going on the usual route of a genre competition, a theme competition, or a grammar competition, we thought about doing something different. We thought about breaking the elements of a story into a series of awards.

Starting off with characterization.

Therefore, this won't be our first and last awards this year (Hopefully). More editions will be in store.

But until then, our first edition of SLink awards will be all about characters!

Now, if you have an interesting character, you might want to check the next chapter.

SLink Awards: Character Edition [Results Are Out] Where stories live. Discover now