1. Your book must be in English.
2. If your book isn't marked as completed, your book should have at least five chapters, excluding any authors' notes, prologues, cast, or synopsis chapters.
3. Your book must be original and your own.
4. Your book should have a character that fits one of the competing categories (check the previous chapter for categories).
5. The character that you want to nominate should appear within the first five chapters of your book.
6. Your chosen character can either be the protagonist, the antagonist or any side character you want as long as they fit the category.
7. You must follow this account InkCommunity
Our rules and guidelines
1. Be kind
2. Be open-minded
3. Every author is allowed to submit one book, in one category.
4. We have six categories, each category will have five entries.
5. You submit your book by using the link in our bio (for more details go to the Submission Form chapter).
6. When submitting your book, you should add #slinkawards2020. In that way, we can create our own hotlist.
7. After submitting the story, you should comment in the designated section that you submitted a form and tag at least 3 people, you think that they will be interested in this competition (See the Submission form chapter for further details).
8. Please try not to change your book title or username during this competition. However, if you do change the book title and username, please alert us. The book that is not found will be disqualified.
9. Be patient.
10. We're on Discord! If you had any inquiries, you can hit us up anytime you like. The link to our server is in our bio. Also, we talk about all things from the weather to some deep topics and we have a very knowledgeable, harmful, and lovely bot that you might like called Inky.
11. You can dm us if you had any questions. We will try to respond as fast as we can, but we're basically almost available all the time on our discord server.
If you think you're eligible, you think you can follow the rules and you choose to participate in our awards, thank you and good luck!
SLink Awards: Character Edition [Results Are Out]
RandomWelcome to our very first SLink awards: Character Edition. If you don't know what slink means, let us explain. According to the dictionary, "slink", the verb means "move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps, in a stealthy or sensuous manner." Our...