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''Yunho!''Wooyoung ran over to the boy when he and Mingi came into view.

''What is it?''

The second youngest handed him the trumpet.Yunho's eyes widened when he saw it.

''You actually found it!''

''What?''Me and my two friends looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

''I've read about this.It was lost around here and I remembered about it now.That's what the whole walk was all about.''

''Wait so you didn't have a burn-out like you told me?''Mingi looked at the other tall male.

''Yeah,sorry Min.''

''Why didn't you tell us?''I asked.

''Because I wasn't sure if it's actually here or some other place.Where's Hongjoong-hyung,I have to give him this.''

''Give me what?''

We turned around to see the captain and Seonghwa approaching us.Yunho handed the shortest the trumpet and the latter began observing it.

''This is for you.It'll help for commanding the shadows and us in a massive attack.''

''I see.Where did you find it though?''

''In the forest.''Wooyoung answered.

''But how did you even see it under the leaves?''I asked him.

He shrugged.''I don't know.I just turned my head there and saw it.''

''Was it like....like something's telling you there's something there?Like,a feeling deep in your chest or gut?''Seonghwa asked.

Wooyoung's eyes widened as he looked to the oldest.

''Yeah,kinda.How did you know?''

''I had the same feeling when we though Joong was dead on Falkonera.''

Now,we were all confused as hell.

''Alright,let's go home.I have to cook dinner.''Seonghwa said and we all nodded slowly,then headed inside.

For the next two days,we noticed something had changed between the two hyungs.They spent more time together and were more touchy with eachother.We were waiting for breakfast to be ready on the third day and me and the others were spying on them from the couch.

''Guys,I'm telling you,these two are a couple now.''I said.

I saw Jongho half-smiling,half-smirking,like he accomplished something,and Mingi and Yunho giving eachother a look.

Seonghwa POV

''Hyung,can you come with me for a second.I need help with something.''San popped his head through my bedroom door.

''Alright,I'm coming.''I set my book down and followed him into the hallway to his room.''So what's the proble-''

The door opened and I was pulled inside fast,then set down on a chair with someone's hands over my eyes.

''Alright,stop whatever this is,just tell me what you want.''I said.

The person let go of my eyes and when I blinked a couple of times,I saw everyone except Hongjoong in front of me.

''Now tell us what's going on between you and hyung.''San started.

''W-what's going on between me and Hongjoong?''


I sighed from their expectant looks.

''Alright,alright,you were gonna find out one way or another....yes we're together.''

Journey:Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now