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Seonghwa POV

I was slammed against the wall as the creature went for the others.I stumbled a bit,then threw myself on it again.This time,it wasn't a demon,rather a giant wolf.A bloodthirsty,ruthless animal that wanted us dead.It was too fast for us to teleport on top of it so we could stab it.We could only run away.Everyone were already hurt and the last remaining standing were Wooyoung and me.I was almost got bitten by it,but managed to teleport myself before that happened.

''Everyone except Seonghwa-hyung,get away from here.''Wooyoung said suddenly.

''What why?''San asked.

''Just trust me on this one.''

The others listened and teleporter away,taking the injured with them.


''Yes Wooyoung?''I replied.

''You see the horizontal colums on the ceiling?''

I looked up for a second and noticed them.


''I want you to go there.''

I turned to him,giving him a worried look as I dodged the beast again.

''Trust me.I know what I'm doing.''

I nodded after a bit of consideration,I followed his lead and teleported on the horizontal colums where I watched from above.

Now that I was gone,the animal focused on Wooyoung and began chasing him.Everytime it reached him and opened its jaw to bite,he would teleport right before it hit and make it slam its head into the wall.He repeated that over and over again until the beast began stumbling a bit.

''Hyung,be ready to teleport on top of it and stab it.

I pulled out the knife Jooheon had given me earlier and prepared.The wolf was looking dizzy,but it still growled and ran towards Wooyoung.He teleported and it hit its head yet again,then stumbled.


I teleported right on top of it.It barked and tried throwing me off.I dug the knife deep inside it so I could hold on and it let out a whimper.It rolled over a couple times,crushing me with its massive weight.Wooyoung came over and threw a massive punch right in the middle of its head while it was distracted,making the animal go limp.Mingi and Yunho appeared and they and Wooyoung held it down as I dug my knife in the beast's chest.It tried to bite me again,but the others didn't let it.I finally cut off the core and the animal became lifeless.

Jongho POV

As the others were struggling with the wolf,I looked around and noticed something.I could see a woman fleeing outside with a suitcase in hand.I motioned to San about it.We shared a look before teleporting right in front of him.

She attempted on making some kind of spell before I shut him up and broke his two hands.She screamed.

''Be quiet.''I muttered to her.

''Jongho where are you and San?''Seonghwa asked me.

''Outside.We have a prisoner.Hongjoong-hyung?''

''I'm a bit busy right now.''

He was fighting off some enemy ships that had detected him while he was waiting for us,so we had to wait a bit.The other six soon appeared and eyed the woman.

Journey:Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now