James Potter x Reader

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I was sitting with the marauders in the common room waiting for Lily to walk in so we could go to Hogsmead. I was Remus's childhood friend and had been introduced into the group by him. I was shy at first but eventually became comfortable. Ever since first year I have always messed around with the Marauders. It is our 7th year now. I had fallen in love with James 5th year but knew he was all over Lily. I didn't really want to go with them to Hogsmead but Remus had convinced me otherwise saying you never know what will happen. Remus and Lily knew about my crush on James. Lily had assured me multiple times she didn't like him back and he would eventually give up as did Remus. I watched as Lily came down the steps drawing James' attention with her. I stood from my place on the couch and hugged Lily.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked giving a sad smile.

"The real question is, are you?" She questioned back.

"I never will be but let's get this trip over with." I replied. James asked Lily out every time the group went to Hogsmead. I hated going because I always cried after watching James ask Lily and her turn him down.

"It's ok (y/n), he'll realize one day." Lily replied returning I kind smile.

"Thanks Lily." I replied walking back over to the marauders.

"Are we ready to go?!" James asked placing an arm around Lily's shoulders. She slapped his arm away and moved to stand beside me. She glared and James and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go and James the answer is still no." Lily spoke pulling me towards the portrait hole. The marauders followed and exited out the hole. We walked down to Hogsmead and went to the Three Broomsticks first.

"I'll take 6 Butterbeers please and 2 large basket of fries." Ordered Sirius as we sat down in a corner booth.

"I can't believe I agreed to this." I told Lily and Remus as they made me sit in the middle right across from James.

"What was that (l/n)?" I heard Sirius ask.

"Nothing Black!" I spoke back in mock hatred.

"Sure didn't sound-"

"Not another word Padfoot." Remus interrupted. They all ate and talked about Quidditch and things enjoying everyone's company. I sat quietly and drank my butterbeer. When they had finally finished eating we left to go walk around. We headed towards the shreiking shack.

"Isn't this place haunted?" I asked becoming scared.

"Yes and no." replied James. I looked at him confused. Out of no where came a snowball that hit James in the back of the head. I laughed and found the guilty culprit to be Remus. I smiled at him and screamed as Sirius dumped snow down my back.

"YOUR EVIL!" Come back here so I can kill you!" I yelled. Chasing after Sirius grabbing a huge clump of snow. I threw the snow ball but missed and hit Lily who gave me an evil look. I heard footsteps next to me but couldn't see anything. Next thing I knew I was in James' cloak fleeing Lily who look like she was going to kill me for ruining her new sweater.

"She is so gonna kill you." James whispered in my ear. Only then did I realize how close he was to me. I shivered in response. "The snow getting to you, mate?" He asked due to me shivering.

"Just stop talking." I replied and and grabbed his hand as we took off away from Lily again. When we stopped I realized my fingers were still interlocked. I blushed and tried to pull my hand away but James wouldn't let go. Thank Godric we were inside the cloak not facing each other I was probably a tomato by now. I heard James laugh nervously and let go.

"Do you really think I only like Lily?" James asked. I jerked my head and towards him to find him looking at me.

"Well considering that's the only person you ever ask out or talk about. The answer is yes I do think you only like Lily." I replied staring at the ground.

"Well maybe I like another girl also I'm just too afraid she is gonna act different after I ask her and lose a close friend." He replied grabbing my hand again. I looked up into his eyes. The cloak was still covering us but leaving just enough light to see his face. He looked sad but also something else shown in his eyes. Was it....love?

"What are you talking about? Whoever she is she must be very lucky." I replied looking for some sort of smirk or something to say 'I'm just kidding' or 'do you honestly believe this lie?' I didn't find any sort of joking attitude.

"That girl is you, love." He replied reaching up to push away a stray strand of hair from my face. I stared up at him in shock.

"Where's Sirius? This has got to be a joke. There's no way you would ever like me back." I reached up and covered my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth."I thought you were head over heels in love with The Lily Evans." I replied.

"I always have extra room for another in my life. After all, I've given up on Lily. I'm glad I convinced Remus to get you to come along." He replied smirking. "Because now I can show you how I really feel." James leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I love you (y/n). Will you be my girlfriend?" James asked looking victorious as I blushed.

"Do I really have to tell you?" I replied returning his smile and kissing him on the cheek.

"You missed, love." He replied making a pouty face. I smiled and leaned to give him a small kiss but he pulled me in close. He kissed me passionately and held me close. Apparently the cloak had fallen off and Lily found us kissing. She made a snowball and hit both me and James. I blushed beat red and took off running.

"You'll never catch me alive!" I yelled taking off. Grinning as I dragged James along with me.

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