Harry Potter x Marcey

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Requested by (_Mkjones_)

"Harry Potter.... Why does that name sound familiar?" I asked my best friend Ginny.

"He's the famous boy who lived!" Ginny shouted shocked that I had forgotten.

"Oh..." I replied. "Do you know him?" I asked her.

"He's Ron's best friend of course I know him!" Ginny replied excitedly.

"If I didn't know any better by your tone, I'd say you like him." I replied poking her in the side playfully.

"Not so loud!" Ginny squeaked as we walked towards the great hall for dinner.

"Can I meet him?" I asked knowing how she would take any opportunity to have an excuse to sit with him.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Ginny replied excitedly causing me to grin at her excitement.

We entered the Great Hall a few minutes later. I knew who Harry Potter was to be honest. I just wanted to try and prank Ginny. I knew she had a thing for him. She would always look at him when she had the chance. I can understand why. He's cute and strong and very brave from what I've noticed in Quidditch. Little did Ginny know I had already met Potter.

"Hey Potter." I spoke taking a seat across from him shocking Ginny who I gave a small wink.

"Hello, Marcey." He responded while filling up his plate. Ron and Hermione looked at me oddly from either side of Harry causing me to smile.

"Hi Ron, Hermione." I replied.

"I thought you didn't know who Harry is?" Ginny asked from the seat beside me.

"You do not want to know my reason to not tell you in front of them." I replied giving her mischievous grin and wink. Ginny went bright red and glared at me.

"So, Harry how's Defense Against the Dark Arts without Moony?" I asked. Yes I know who Moony is. He's a distant cousin of mine.

"How did you-" Harry stopped not wanting Ginny to now about Lupin's furry little secret. "It's interesting with Mad Eye." Harry covered.

"I have him next I wonder what he's gonna teach us!' I replied excitedly. That was always my favorite class.

"Marcey can we talk later?" Harry asked me catching me off guard.

"Yeah sure." I replied curiously.

"Cool." Harry replied.

~Time Skip to after eating~

"I wonder what he wants to talk about?" I asked Ginny.

"Who knows." She replied shrugging. "So what was your reason?" She asked.

"So that you would sit with me and Harry." I replied grinning at her.

"You like him too!" She screeched coming to the realization.

"Keep your trap shut will ya!" I snapped after her announcing aloud.

"Sorry!" She squeaked realizing what she just did.

"But I won't make a move on him because I know how you feel. He's yours first." I replied giving my friend a small smile.

"Thank you so much Marcey!" She replied excitedly.

"Anything to make you happy." I replied giggling at her excitement.

~Fast forward to after school~

"Marcey! Let's go for a walk." I heard Harry yell as I walked into Gryffindor common room.

"Ok?" I replied confused. I followed him out the portrait hole.

"Wanna go for a walk in the forest?" He asked.

"Umm. Sure? What's in there?" I asked knowing how he had been sent there for detention once.

"Nothing much really. There's something I want you to see though. I need your approval." Harry replied.

In complete honesty I have liked Harry for a long time. We had met on the train one day and talked a bit. I had accidentally bumped into him while going to change my robes. We had become good friends but not nearly as close as him and Ron or Hermione. I knew all about Voldemort and Sirius. I actually helped Sirius out of the castle on Lupin's word. Remus may be a distant relative but family is family.

"What is it this time?" I asked immediately curious.

"Well I have a girl I like and so I needed a romantic place and I think I found one. I just need your approval." He replied grabbing my hand shocking me as he took off running out of the castle.

"I thought you said this was a walk!" I shouted as we ran through the chilly winter air.

"I lied!" He shouted back giving me a big grin.

"Jerk!" I replied. As we reached the woods, we slowed down a bit.

"I need you to stay quiet okay?" Harry whispered. I nodded my head in response and gripped Harry's hand tighter. I followed closely behind him as we walked through the woods. We eventually ended up and a small lake.

"Oh my gosh." I breathed out looking at the breath taking scene. The sun was setting over the water and casting an orange type glow off the water.

"I take it you love it?" Harry asked chuckling a bit.

"I don't want to leave!" I squeaked letting go of his hand and took off running again.

"Where are you going?!" Harry shouted chasing after me.

"Wherever my feet take me!" I shouted back turning around to grin. What I didn't realize at the time was the rock I was about to trip over. I feel backwards and hit my head. I sat up slowly and rubbed the back of my head softly checking for bumps.

"Are you okay?!" Harry shouted worried as he ran over to where I had fallen.

"Yeah I'm fine just bumped my head." I replied squinting one eye to see him. The breath in my lungs hitched as I saw how the light was cast on him making him look like my prince charming. Apparently I had been staring because Harry looked away from me blushing causing me to blush also. I shook my head and began to sat up.

"Well, I'd say you found the perfect spot. That girl sure is a lucky one." I replied changing the subject.

"You think so?" He asked.

"Totally. When you gonna ask her?" I asked curiously.

"Well I was planning on today." He replied blushing again.

"Then what are you doing here with me and not her?!" I asked shocked.

"Because she is already here." He replied looking up at me. My breath hitched again as he began to walk towards me. "And with the way she looks right now it's taking all I have not to kiss her."

"Then why don't you hurry up and do it pretty boy." I replied attempting to sound sexy but failing miserably causing him to chuckle again.

"I guess thats settled then." He replied as he pulled me around the waist and kissed me passionately. Our lips molded together perfectly and moved fluidly together. I felt his tongue stroke my bottom lip asking for acceptance which I granted him happily. After exploring each others mouths for a few moments we broke apart breathing heavily.

"I love you." Harry whispered as his lips brushed agains mine again.

"I love you too." I replied. Smiling against his lips giving him a small kiss.

"Ginny is so gonna kill me when she finds out."

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