(Adult)Lucius Malfoy x reader

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Requested by (ButterflyHatake)

I was walking towards the room Harry Potter's trial was to take place. The toad-like lady that was supposed to do be at the hearing called in sick so of course I had to take her place. I was just leaving the elevator when I heard a voice I hadn't heard in years say my name.

"(Y/n), what a pleasant surprise to see you." I heard Lucius Malfoy call from down the hall way. I turned around to see him standing there, cane in hand walking towards me. I watched with careful eyes as he came closer looking for any sign of hostile movements.

"What business do you have here?" I asked with a little venom in my response.

"Oooh touchy I see. I am here to see how the Potter trial unfolds." he replied stopping a few feet in front of me.

"For Voldemort no doubt." I snapped.

"(Y/n) are you still mad about that? I had no choice if I could've chosen something else I would have. I-"

"Save it for someone who would fall for those tricks. Don't waste your breath on me. As a matter of fact I'm going to be late. There goes Potter now. Good day, Lucius." I replied brushing past him towards the court room where I took my seat. I watched as Harry walked into the room. I knew the boy was innocent, I knew the dark lord was back. I ignored everything and thought back to the times before the dark lord had ruined my life.

~flash back~

"(Y/n), you know I can't tell you where I've been." Lucius my boyfriend told me.

"But what could have been so important that you missed Christmas and New Years at my house. My parents were furious that you had stood me up." I replied.

"I'll tell you one day but you have to promise me you will never follow me when I go on business trips." He replied kissing my forehead.

"I make no promises, Luce." I replied smiling.

"I'm serious you can't follow me." He said looking directly into my eyes with a serious expression.

"Fine." I replied grumpily but earned myself a kiss.

~another flash back to later on~

"What on Earth have you been keeping secret from me?! Sirius Black and Remus Lupin just showed up at our door demanding you stop following some person named Voldemort!" I shrieked scared for my life. The boys had threatened to kill me if he didn't stop.

"Sweetie I need you to understand. I'm doing this to keep us alive. We are called Death Eaters. We work for the Dark Lord Voldemort who is planning to kill all things with muggle blood. We can create a new society of pure bloods and become the ultimate race!" Lucius said with a mad look on his face.

"Lucius! You've gone mad! You're murdering innocent people!" I yelled near to tears.

~End of Flashbacks~

I took my seat in the stands and watched the childish toad looking lady, (I can never remember her name), try to deny the dark lords return in the Ministers defense. I laughed in my head at her attempt against dumbledore. I knew that if Dumbledore stepped in it was a very serious matter so should any witch with some common sense. The Minister looked angry as my friend Madam Bone announcing her belief of Harry Potter being innocent which caused most of the ministry in the room to stand by the plea. I looked at Lucius defiantly as I stood up and glared daggers at him to dare stand against his own leader that had cost him me and a possible family together. Once the trial had ended I tried to meet with Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore! May I have a word?" I asked catching up with the older headmaster.

"Ah Ms. (L/N). I see you work for the ministry now." He replied giving me a small smile.

"Yes. I'm sorry about Fudge he's been, well... how do I put it, over the edge lately. I feel terrible you and Harry have been caught up in its effects." I replied frowning at the ground.

"You never apologize for someone else unless something is on your mind. What is it dear?" He asked placing one hand on my shoulder.

"It's Lucius. He's still following Voldemort.... He's even married and has a son. What do I do? I'm still angry for everything he has done." I replied not looking away from the ground.

"Child, he made his decision for you. Voldemort made him join his army so that your life could be spared. He even had his family pressuring him. He didn't want to tell you because he didn't want your pity or to continue loving him when you never could." Dumbledore replied pulling me to a stop.

"I must speak with him now. Thank you Headmaster." I replied giving him a weak smile as I walked away towards LUcius's office. I knocked and waited for the door to open.

"(Y/N), what do you need?" Lucius replied. I refused to look at him and pushed past him into his office.

"You peice of no good trash! You let me believe that you had gone mad and had become a murderer for no reason. Why didn't you tell me!? Why did you lie to me and then marry her?!" I yelled hitting him in the chest repeatedly.

"I didn't want to end up losing you whether by Voldemort or your own actions. I wanted you to hate me. I needed you to hate me. I feel regret in marrying another woman but I did it for you. I would've wanted nothing more than to have children with you and shared my last name with you. You meant the world to me. I made my choice and to change it would cause me to lose everything, my son, my wife....you..." Lucius replied wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so sorry... I can't change anything though.... I let you down."

"Lucius, I-" He stopped me by kissing me on the lips.

"This is our little secret. Good day (Y/N)." Lucius replied before leading me out the door.

"I hate you." I said as I slid into a seated position on the wall after he had shut the door. "You no good Death eater."

The End.

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