Neville Longbottom x Reader

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Requested by (HeydeeMustache)

Neville, Seamus, and I are arm in arm the hall way. I, being the one in the middle, am being dragged off to class against my will by my two best friends. Why are they dragging me you might ask? Draco Malfoy had been insulting Neville again and if they hadn't grabbed me by the arms I would've pounced on Draco and attacked him.

"You really need to learn to control your anger (y,n)." Seamus said from my left side.

"And Draco deserves to be pummeled." I replied grumpily.

"You don't have to defend me either. I have learned how to ignore it by now." Neville said shyly.

"But....." I started but gave up. The fire in me from earlier had left so now I just felt exhausted.

"Better?" Neville asked as I began to walk and not pull against the two boys.

"Yeah, let's just get to class." I replied quietly.

"I was thinking of skipping today. Wanna join me?" Seamus asked.

"I'll join. I need to blow off some steam and go for a jog." I replied.

"I'll pass, herbology is next and I don't want to miss it." Neville replied unlinking his arm from mine.

"Ok.... but if Draco bothers you again you better tell me about it!" I shouted as Seamus began to drag me away towards the Potrait hole.

~Time skip to outside with Seamus~

"Why do you always get so heated when it involves Neville?" Seamus asked from beside me.

"You know the answer to that, Seamus." I replied as we walked through the forbidden forest. It took a lot of coaxing to get Seamus to come along but he eventually agreed.

"Then why won't you admit it aloud?" He pushed wanting to hear the words that would confirm it.

"Because I don't want to lose him as a friend all because of some selfish emotion. Plus, it would put you in a tight position in the middle and I would hate to do that to you." I replied looking up at the bright blue winter sky.

"But, you know the outcome your expecting might not be the one you get." Seamus replied almost sounding wise causing me to laugh a bit.

"What's the point in chancing it? I refuse to make a move until he does and that's final Seamus." I stated.

"Alright, alright." Seamus surrendered throwing his hands up in the air.

"What's the plan of action going on in your head? You never surrender that easily."

"Why am I always guilty of something?"

"Because your a guilty person." I countered causing us both to laugh.

"We better head back to the common room. We don't want your Prince charming getting any wrong ideas." Seamus teased grabbing my wrist and running back out of the forest once we got outside of the forest I started laughing.

"You just wanted to leave the forest didn't you?!" I accused inbetween laughs.

"The place is bloody creepy!" Seamus exclaimed looking at me before he started laughing.

"Let's go scaredy cat." I said as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him back towards the school.

~Fast forward to in the common room~

"Where were you?! I looked all over the place!" Neville exclaimed as Seamus and I entered the common room.

"I told you he'd be worried." Seamus replied smirking.

"You're just as accurate as Professor Trelawney. Maybe they should fire her and hire you instead." I mocked as we took a seat at the table Neville was sitting at.

"Seriously where were you guys?" Neville asked preventing Seamus's comeback.

"This idiot came up with the idea of going into the bloody forest." Seamus accused smirking.

"Are you nuts?! (Y/N)! You could've been killed!" Neville exclaimed looking at me with a shocked look.

"Hey what about me?!" Seamus exclaimed feeling forgotten.

"You would've ran at the slightest twig snap. This idiot on the other hand is a little bit braver and would rather find out what it was." Neville replied causing Seamus to laugh at me.

"Oh rub it in that your a scaredy cat and I'm a curious cat." I countered to Seamus's laughter.

"Curious cat?" Neville asked.

"Ever heard curiosity killed the cat?" I asked.

"Oh." Neville said.

"I'm gonna go now. Enjoy, lovebirds!" Seamus exclaimed before getting up and running away.

"Lovebirds?!" Neville and I shouted at the same time. We both blushed and looked away from each other.

"I'm so gonna kill him." I muttered.

"So uh... (y/n).... wanna go to the ground's gardens?" Neville asked trying to change the subject.

"Um, Sure!" I replied getting up and linking arms with Neville.

~Time skip to in the garden~

Hardly anyone paid much attention to the garden that is located on the grounds. I never understood why though. The flowers were beautiful! You had your exotic rare plants and you had your traditional daffodils and lillies. The garden is huge also. It had a two mile long path that I would occasionally use to go for a run or walk with Neville.

"It never stops surprising me how beautiful this looks." I said to Neville.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Neville replied before unlinking arms and grabbing my hand. I looked away from him so he wouldn't be able to see my blush.

"What did you and Seamus talk about?" He asked pulling me along behind him on the narrow path.

"Oh, you know..... " I trailed off not knowing what to say off the top of my head.

"That's not very descriptive." Neville replied laughter hinted in his voice.

"We talked about stuff." I stated not wanting to tell him we were talking about him.

"What kind of stuff?" Neville pushed on.

"Neville...." I trailed off as we stopped.

"I won't pry any further. Close your eyes, there's something I want to show you." He stated looking at my face.

"Ok..." I said hesitantly and followed the pull of Neville's hands.

"I've been planning on this for a while with the help of Seamus." Neville spoke softly as we began to walk slower. "I had to pull a few strings with some teachers, but it was worth it..... You can open your eyes now." Neville whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. I opened my eyes to find a gazebo surrounded by (favorite flowers). I gasped in shock and let go of Neville's hand to examine the flowers.

"You did this?" I asked surprised.

"I knew how much you loved those and the garden itself so I thought you might like this." Neville replied nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Dumbledore agreed to this?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it shocked me too." Neville said scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Thank you so much Neville!" I exclaimed running over and kissing him without a second thought. Then I realized what I had done and pulled away quickly. "I-I....Ummm... I d-didn't....uuuuuuuuh." I tried speaking but couldn't come up with the right words. Neville was a bright shade of red that matched mine own. Neville then grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. He seemed nervous and like he didn't know how to kiss. I moved my lips softly against his, I pulled on his bottom lip gently with my teeth as we pulled away.

"That felt......amazing!" Neville exclaimed causing me to blush even darker.

"You're weird." I stated shyly.

"I love you, (y/n)." Neville whispered in my ear as I cuddle closely to his chest.

"I love you too."

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