Nice Kill | 翔る

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3rd Person P

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3rd Person P.O.V

   Short. Speedy. Snappy. That was the very epitome of the High Jump Match against Seijoh and the Karasuno High Jump Club couldn't have wanted it any other way. Especially Fumiko. 

   Yes, the idea of slowly making it obvious that they were definitely not going to win, was cruel and much wanted. But High Jump was a face-paced sport and the tables weren't in their favour. 


   "I can't and won't stand for it!" Shrieked Shikome, "They cheated! They absolutely cheated!" Her foot stomped repeatedly against the gym floor and her cries were ricocheting across the walls, "They have the WIngs of Konoha too!"

   Chiharu covered her ears, mouthing to her teammates for help. 

   "I think my ears are internally bleeding!"

   Zenno whisper yelled, "I don't think it'll stop until that assrag shuts up!"

   Suzaku nodded solemnly, "Not MANLY at all."

   Hirohito and the other Third Years were contemplating whether using duct tape on the shrieking girl would effectively keep her quiet.

   But Fumiko and Kurimi only bathed in her screams, sharing a smile. This was as blissful life on Earth could get for the duo and there they were, living life to the fullest. Achieving the best. Accomplishing their life goals. 

   All in due time. 

   They all had the decision to leave since the match was over, but the first priority was getting Fumiko and Kurimi out of their dreamlike trance and away from the screaming banshee. Who was now angrily making her way to them. 

   Their teachers and mentors, conveniently out of sight.

   "You cheated!" Shikome spat, once more planting her foot on the ground as if making a statement. Neither of them reacted as she would've liked but, Fumiko took a moment to pull a tissue out and gently place it into Shikome's hand. 


   "I'm so sorry," Fumiko drawled, "Here's a tissue, you have a little bullshit on your lip, Shikome-Chan."

    Kurimi continued from where Fumiko left off. 

   "Yes, Shikome. We'd love to hear you bitch and moan all day. But we have a Volleyball match to get to," She sighed dramatically at the speechless opposition, patting Shikome's shoulder sympathetically. "Better luck next time!"

   And without prior warning, the duo zoomed off and away. Leaving their teammates to deal with the shrill girl and the wrath of her anger.


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