Distracted |翔る

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------six | distracted

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six | distracted

      izumi takahashi (takahashi sensei) x sasha zolotov (zolotov sensei)

For a long moment, he stared into her eyes, before lowering them guiltily to the ground. Takahashi couldn't bear to meet her eyes, which shone with embarrassment. "I'm sorry Sas-Zolotov. I can't see you as anything more than a sister."

The hurt glowed in her eyes and she flinched as he refused to use her first name. The skimpy girl, with the honey hair and chocolate eyes, Sasha Zolotov, ran away without another word. Leaving her love letter in the dust. 

Takahashi let out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding. He only wanted to salvage their precious friendship. He'd never thought of her as anything more. Well, only a bit. Takahashi never thought much of those thoughts though. 

Maybe there was when he went wrong. 

Picking up the love letter left on the floor, he heaved himself back up and returned to the gym. He was distracted for the rest of the day. 


It all started at the beginning of school. Karasuno was beginning to become a powerhouse school for High Jump and because Takahashi was a sucker for the sport, he just had to go.

So go, he did. He enrolled at Karasuno going along with his parents for the interview. That was the first time he met her. Sasha Zolotov. Crashing at the corner of the principal's office, reading a book that was probably meant for adults eyes. 

She stuck out like a sore thumb. Her hair was a gorgeous honey brown, and her skin, a creamy complex. Anyone would've got lost in those eyes. It was very clear, to Takahashi, that she was foreign. Or maybe partly foreign. 

"What are you looking at?" The girl scowled, kicking off her shoes and sinking, if not, even further into the leather chair. 

Takahashi bit back a rude retort, he didn't expect such a violent outburst from such a petite girl. He figured he probably should address her nicely as she'd been pretty comfy in the office. Not just anyone could've done the same. Using his free hand to smoothen down his bedhead, he turned his full attention on the girl. 

"You look rough," He tells her. Observing the sticks and twigs stuck in her hair. 

She clicks her tongue, her tone drier than a desert, "You, on the other hand, really know what to say to a lady, don't you?"

He tittered, laughing at her sharp tongue, "What are you doing here?"

It gives her a tiny brow, "Wow, cutting to the chase aren't you?"

Takahashi could only find himself more interested in the strange girl, nodding along to her words. The silence stretches before she answers, "My mum's the principal."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah," She grins, "We look nothing alike. I get that a lot." Zolotov swings her feet to and fro, "But it makes life interesting."

"Really now?" Takahashi pressed, wanting to get a proper reaction from the honey-haired girl across him. 

"Mmm." Her eyes seemed to spark with glee. "We'll see about that."

For the first time in a long time, Takahashi was distracted for the rest of the day. What he didn't know was that would become a regular habit. 


Takahashi sat on the steps with Ukai, the two conversing about sports and such. The two were so delved in their conversation, they hadn't noticed the foot bouncing up and down hastily in front of them. When the pair finally, looked up, they met fierce brown eyes. The brown eyes belonging to the one and only 'Sasha Zolotov'.

For a long moment, the trio looked at one another. Wondering what each made of the other and who would talk first. "Is something wrong Foreigner?" Ukai manages in a very bad British accent.

Zolotov startles at the nickname, lips curling into a half scowl. "I'm not a foreigner. I'm only half Russain!" She proclaimed, sticking her head to the hair, refusing to meet Ukai's teasing eyes and Takahashi's smirk.

"Feisty, I like her."

Brushing off the flirtatious comment, she turned to Takahashi who snapped his mouth shut, "What are you looking at?" She huffed. 

Ukai laughs at his friend whose mouth was open. Even though Takahashi didn't speak, Ukai very well knew what he was thinking. 


Despite his straight face, Ukai was sure Takahashi was going to fall for the girl soon. One way or another. Takahashi was surely going to be distracted for the rest of his life. 

If you don't understand, this is a short one-shot about the High Jump teachers as middle schoolers at Karasuno. Might have to re-edit some chapters.

- Monkey_King

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