Chapter 7

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                                                    Training for Dummies     


Blue's pov.

I was peacefully sleeping when i hear someone quietly calling me."blue. blue wake up. Blue. Blue!" I hear that someone was calling me but I don't want to open eyes. Maybe five more minutes will-. "bŁu€!"

I jump from ground like cat that someone's stepped on her tail. "Error. Why do you waking me up." "Let me think, umm oh i know. Because you sleep for twelve hours strait!" "Realy? I must be exhausted from last night." "Guess so." I stand from ground before i could say someting Error start's talking. "Anyway. I hope you have lot's of energy today. Because your gonna need it. I gonna tech you some techniques with magic." "Are you sure Error. What if i mess someting up and hurt you or my self?"

"Don't be such a baby. I will be watching you." "Ok Error I'm trusting you." "Ok Blue. First I will teach you how to you magic to healing. It's very useful when your friend is hurt or you hurt yourself." I look at Error and see that he is perfectly fine. "But Error. No you or eiter me are hurt so how do you want to tech me healing magic." "That's simple. Just maybe close your eyes." "Why Error." "I just don't want to scare you ok."

I nod and close my eyes. then I hear Error to summon someting and then i hear someting sharp hiting someting "arg. Ok Blue. Now open your eyes." I open my eyes and see Error arm was pierced by his own bone. "Error! What did you just did!" I shout with scared to him. He just look at me with broken arm and said. "I want you to train you healing magic, so i just hurt myself for you to heal me." "Error why are you hurting yourself, this must hurt a lot to you." "Nah im fine after those years fighting with Ink i have big pain tolerance. Cmon Blue don't be scared im not biting."

I approached to Error with worry in my face. "So what m-must i d-do." I said while little shaking. "Ok. Firs you need to calm down ok." Ok Blue you got this. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. "Ok im calmed now." "Great. next place my hands close to the wound." "Ok." "And now start concentrate on your healing. I was constantly looking at like some madman for whore five minutes. After that Error look at me with confuse look and say's.

"Umm. . . Are you alright Blue?" "Absolutiely. . . I'm just trying to heal you, but i think im not that good as you think." "Don't be like this. You have to just train. Even i had to do it many times before I learned it perfectly." *healing magic* Hmm. "Hey Blue look." "What is it Err- OMG! I'm actually healing you." "I was telling you. You just need to focus." Error looks's at me while I was healing him, and then he spoke. "Blue remember, Always use healing magic In emergecy situations. I't drains you magic extremely fast." I just nod and complete healing of Error. Error than stand up look at me and said. "Well. . . Do you want me to teach you someting more you do you want quick break. "I feel perfectly fine. I'm magnifisent sans can can and will doing for whore day." "Ok. let me think for a moment." ". . ." "Do you ahve any experience with teleporting." "Yes and No." Error look at me suspiciously.

"Well If-if i can explain. I wan never done teleporting myself but, I see my brother many times using his "shortcuts" and you are constantly using your portals so I have some expirience with it but no practis." "That's more informations than i thought i would get." Error then openes portal to the Outertale and push me throught it. "H-hey. Error why are you doing this." "I just want to have some ˇspace-outˇ." Did he just make a pun. "Did you just make a pun." "Cmon dont be ˇjelly-ousˇ." "Error stop making these bad puns." "Ok ok jees." "I must be the only sans that hate puns." "No your not. I stop making puns many years ago and i was kidna hating them to this moment. I don't say I make some pun in while but still im not like classic."

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