Chapter 8 - Nevermind!

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I rushed home suprisingly excited for me and Luke's little date! Wait, it wasn't a date, was it?

Im not sure but I do know that I have to look stunning if I want Luke's attention.

I went to my closet and started to rummage through the clothes until I found the prettiest dress I have ever bought.

It was a strappless dress, white top half and dark blue bottom half. The front was average length but the back was long. I got white heels to match this outift but never actually wore this outfit. I saved it for something that would be special. This was as special as it gets, I guess, enless I meet Ariana Grande and Beyonce on the same day, which is not likely at all!

I shoved it on and started to do my hair. I curled it and left it out.

I ran downstairs and kissed everyone goodbye before going outside to see Luke standing there waiting for me. 

"Where's Selena?" I asked as he shook his head.

"We aren't offically dating you know!" he sighed.


"So that means I can go out with other women and wont feel guilty!" he said hopping into his car as I did the same. 

After journey

"We are here!" he smiled getting up and going to open my door. I thanked him and we walked in, holding hands...

"HEY!" someone shouted, obviously drunk.

"HI!" grinned Luke high fiving the guy in front of us.

"This is my cousin, Tyla!" he said as I fakely smiled at the drunk boy, he had long black hair and a few piecings that scared me!

He stuck out his hand but I just looked at it.

"C'mon Mack! He wont bite!" chuckled Luke as I loosely gripped his hand to shake. I removed it seconds later. 

"See ya!" laughed Luke as did Tyla.

We continued walking until a boy, the height of Luke, with ginger hair came up to me, asking for my number. I simply laughed at his confidence. It was like he already knew he was getting it, although he didnt. 

"That guy so likes you!" giggled Luke pointing to the ginger guy. 

"AND HIM AND HIM!" he pointed at two other guys.

"Why do you care so much about me and my love life!" I asked as he fell silent. 

"Ima get a drink!" I stated as I went off. 

I went to get a drink when Tyla, Luke's cousin, smacked my butt! 


"Ohhh! Luke's girlfriend right?" he asked.

"Uhh no we arent actually dating bu-"

"So that means, we can do some stuff upstairs!"

"NO YOU CREEP!" I yelled and went to go to find Luke. 

"Luke?" I yelled strolling up the steep steps.

"Luuuuke!" I yelled again.


"LUUUKE!" I screamed.

I went through each door yelling his name. 

"LUKE??" I yelled opening the door. 

It revealed Luke and Kayla kissing! I gasped.

"Oh, Mack?" questioned Kayla pulling away from Luke.

"Yeah, sorry!" I giggled going red but heartbreaking inside.

"What did you want?" she asked.

I looked at Luke as he started mouthing to me.

"IM SORRY!" he mouthed as I fake smiled, as I tried not to cry.

"Did you shout Luke?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Uhhh, yeah. Um I was looking for my cousin Luke! I..I just was wanting to know if MY Luke wanted to leave, as I feel a bit unwell. But I think I heard someone say Luke, my cousin, had left. Sorry it ay be a bit confusing!" I giggled as she smiled and Luke bit his lip.

"I..I..Im so sorry! Continue! Im going anyway, wrong roomm.." I sighed turning around and walking off.

It was about 2pm! I called my dad and he came to pick me up.

"You alright hon? You wanna talk?" 

"I um, I- Nevermind!" I sighed as we drove home with a smooth, soft radio station on, filling the air!


There's Something About Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now