• the house on neibolt •

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Bills POV
We are at the neibolt house. Almost all of us have climbed down the well. Mike still hasn't come down yet. We hear a scream. "Ahhhh." Mike yelps in pain. We all turn around and hear a thud. "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" We all shout. We suddenly see Henry Bowers covered in blood approach the well. "Maaa maaaa" he says and crazily smiles. He grabs the rope and pulls it up. "Nooo!" Richie yells. "Grab it!" "Get the rope! get the rope!" Eddie screeches.

We here Henry talking and then we here them struggling. "Mike!" We all scream. "I sh-should get up there!" I stutter. "Are you insane?! With what?!" Eddie yells. We here a gun cock and then more struggles. Next thing we know Henry falls down the well. "Holy shit!" Richie yelps.

"Mike?" Eddie yells. He peaks over the well, "I'm okay guys, I'm okay." We all sigh in relief. "Guys where's Stan?" Eddie asks. We all turn around and see that Stan ISNT THERE?! "Stanley?! Stanley?! Stan?!" Eddie screams. We all exit the tunnel. "Oh shit greywater." Eddie gags. We all travel through the sewers yelling stand name. We here yelling, Stans yelling?! We run towards the sound.

We get to a door and we all use all of our strength to open it. We enter the room and see a woman biting stand face. We all scream and run towards him. The woman goes into a different tunnel but then comes back out as Pennywise before disappearing. We all scream and hug Stanley. "Nooo! You left me! You made me go into neibolt! Your not my friends!" He cries. We all hug him tightly.

"Hello?" We hear a whimper. It sounds like... Bev? We turn around and sure enough there Beverly is. "Guys it! It got y/n! She saved me!" She cries. They open their arms and she joins the group hug. I look over and see Georgie? He runs away. I get up, grab the gun and follow him. Not looking back at the others.

I follow him through more tunnels until we finally get to a big room. I pause before fully entering, but when I do, I see Y/N?! She's floating at least 7 feet off the ground. I run over to her and try to jump up and grab one of her feet. I see a stool in the pile of junk and go over to grab it. I look up and see Georgie again.

I contemplate my next decision. I look back, "I'll come back for you y/n."

Beverlys POV
Everyone let's go of the hug. I look around and notice Bill is no longer here. "Guys, where's Bill?" I ask worriedly. They all start yelling bills name as we search the tunnels for him. We all run and fall into more greywater. Eddie looks at the floating heads and we all scream and continue running.

We keep running until we get to an entrance to the big room I was previously in. "Y/n?" They all whisper as we look up and see her floating. I look around and notice Bill isn't anywhere to be seen. "H-how is she in the air?" Richie asks. "G-guys....are those..." Eddie looks up at the floating children. "The missing kids.." Stan gasps. "Let's get y/n!" I whisper yell as I get on top of Ben and pull her down. The rest of the boys help me.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I look at her. She was my best friend and the only female friend I've ever had, I couldn't lose her. "Y/n? Y/n?" I scream trying not to cry. I hug her tightly for a full 30 seconds and she gasps. "Beverly?" She barely makes out. I sigh and turn around and hug Ben. Then pull y/n to the hug. Everyone joins in the hug.

"Where's Bill?" Stan asks as Eddie walks away and stares at something. We all look at each other and head over in the direction Bill could possibly be in.

Where's Bill? I kept asking myself. I was grateful for all my friends and my brother but I missed Bill. We see him and run over to him. "But your not Georgie." He says as he shoots the 'Georgie' in the forehead. I put my hand over my mouth in shock and bury my head in Richies chest since he was standing right next to me. Beverly does the same but with Ben.

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