The wretched defiance

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14 months earlier...

Pandora laughs reading the headline 'he's only gone and done it again! With more and more power the ignorant little prince just does not know when to stop, with his speech announcing higher tax collections the towns poverty increases' "ill be happy when that shit eating grin has been smacked off his face" says the middle aged adult of the rebellion, pandora.

"greedy, selfish little snob" grunts the elder male of the group, Christopher, his gaze flickers over to a sniggering Dakota who's stood leaning against the all of their cabin, the rebellion live in a humungous wooden cabin, located in the middle of the Aberrant Forest on the outskirts of ophento, the forest was notoriously home to some of the cities strangest creatures and forestation from Whisper Locust to Scented Mahogany and Regal Persimmon to Nervous Birch. The forestation was anything but normal in these woods but that made it even more exciting. The Aberrant forest had once been a beacon of light in the south, it was now nothing more than an emptiness pit that was home to some of the most extraordinary forestation with the odd fairies, pixie and troll wondering about every so often, but it was nothing compared to the beacon of the north the Roaring Acres.

Even though the forest was the emptiness pit of the south it played host to one of the most notorious, dangerous and scheming rebellions the Dual Realms had ever known, the wretched defiance...a gang of outlaws, thieves, murders, pickpockets and even an ex palace worker was among them, the group of 8 didn't look like much, but they weren't the ones to be messed with, you see at the moment the rebellion hold a peace treaty with the kingdom of ofalion that meant that they could conduct their business on city grounds as long as order was kept, the palace could do its job and the people of the city were left in peace and no harm would come to them. Of course, for a while this treaty was stuck to and rules were followed, and things were peaceful up until a new ruler was put into power and things began to change...

"one day we'll have his head and the rightful prince can claim back his thrown, power and people, one day we will come out on top, one day we will be victorious!" Dakota shouts standing on one of the few benches in the cabin, "I ask you all...will you stand by me, our prince and rightful ruler and bring back the peace and justice that once was!" raising a chalice to the air, his voice booming, his smile wicked with a sense of smugness, the rest of the gang roar with happiness, with a final huzzah, they all stand, raising a toast "to the prince of ophento and soon to be ofalion!" pandora shouts, the rest of the gang shout in unison raising their chalices "to the prince!"

Why is he doing this? Well its easy really and obvious why would anyone turn to the business of lies, debt and slaughter of their own city, of their own people? The prince's life had been taken from him of course, all his life his younger brother Elliot had always had the spotlight, always had his mothers and father's appraisal, acceptance and forgiveness in anything and everything he ever did, unlike him everything he did was always nothing more than second best, even though he was born first, did everything like his brother, followed the rules, nothing he ever did was good enough for them, and now that he finally had the control he thought he so rightly deserved and now had, he was using it to his own wicked advantage and instead of being a fair and honest ruler of the kingdom like his father, he was harsh, selfish, greedy and careless, all he wanted was money and power, now that he had them both it powered his ego more than ever.

Two years ago the boys parents Marcus and Pamela had been summoned to a council meeting at the silent conclave, unfortunately the place of the meeting had been nothing more than a hoax, the instructions were to leave the city of ofalion to go to the omen board, council of the demon territory located in the outer walls of the city between the Aberrant Forest and ophento, because of the unknown species and rebellions that are located in and around these areas it was always rumoured that territory between the two cities was unsafe and that leaving the city walls would put your life in danger, unfortunately shortly after leaving the city walls the two were ambushed by a gang of thieves and unknown rebels, leaving them to die, and sadly they both passed away the same day, Elliot had taken it upon him to find out who had killed his parents, and most of all who had taken the time to perfectly plan and execute his parents organised murder.

Zachariah Chalgomery had been in so many different directions trying to find his parents killer, he and his brother finally had their first real step towards any sort of idea and answer, but that had just merely been the beginning of things. The elder prince Zachariah quells his thoughts and carefully covers the weapon before him that he had found not moments ago in his fathers desk in the old study, he decides to finally holster the weapon in question to his belt securing it tightly. His fathers' weapon of choice was an old yet original Winchester, it was a sight for sore eyes and truly one of a kind. He leaves the room securing the locks on the desk and the door being careful not to damage any of the old wood that had been used to make them all those years ago.

As he walks back to his royal quarters he notices the usual courtiers, servants and keepers about the palace, hearing the laugh of a young woman he immediately stops in his tracks 'why is their a woman in my quarters without my express permission and at this time of the day' he thinks to himself with a confused look on his face, with a quick pace in his stride he follows the sound of the females voice coming from his quarters, once he arrives he sees a young women in what he could only assume was in her early 20's stood in the hall way outside his room giggling and flirting with one of the palace keepers "and what is this forbidden sight I see before me, a man servant and keeper knows not to be in my quarters unless given my express permission, let alone being with a woman in them, especially being with a woman alone" his tone almost threatening as he asks the servant, who was now shaking nervously knowing what mistake he had made by breaking prince Zachariah's rules within the palace " sorry my lord it wont happen again please forgive me" the palace keeper scrambles away nervous and flustered from the encounter, "and who are you?" Zachariah asks in his prince like tone, the young woman yelps in fear and nervousness shying away from him "do you fear me?" he pokes again in a mocking tone, the young woman finds it in herself to finally say something back "your nothing but a cocky prince hiding behind his dead parents fortune! Your greedy and cruel you don't deserve to be prince or king!" she stands her ground trying to hide how truly scared she was right now.

"you won't be saying that much longer my girl, now leave my quarters before I have you forcefully removed" a smirk appears on his face as one of his personal guards appears before them.

"its your choice" laying his hand on his holstered Winchester, she glances down at his hand then at the guard, silently knowing what her two options were, she nods and quietly leaves without saying another word.

A Dystopian Haven: A tale of two princesWhere stories live. Discover now