A council before the prince part 1 : The warlock, the prince, and the rebellion

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5 months later...

The prince awakens. 'Who the hell is she?' he tries to ask himself, but cannot, his vocal cords unresponsive. He cannot remember anything that happened the night before, he struggles to even remember who she is and how she got their let alone what her name is. He stumbles groggily from his chamber finding the mirror, he can't even seem to recollect himself or his memories from his own reflection. His piercing eyes though, they seem to be working, slowly trying to focus as his pupils try and still themselves.

Finding himself in his usual chambers, laid in his silk covers, a seductive fragrance in the air as his head rolls from side to side, his usual demeanour gone as the effects from the night before were heavily taking a toll on his body, the prince like to party and when he did he partied hard, to the extent of not being able to remember the previous night or who he would usual end up finding beside him in his bed.

His eyes struggle to pick out any recognisable features that would be able to distinguish the lady beside him, nothing but the piercing blue eyes that he can make out before him 'just another lady of the night' he thinks whimsically smirking to himself. As the effects start to slowly drown out, his instincts and demeanour returning to their usual arrogant selves he notes a figure stood in the door way of this room, he swears he's seen this roughly dressed figure before somewhere with their messy tousled hair, dark eyes, tall, shabby robes and cape that looked as if it had been dragged through a hedge backwards, thick black boots that had been heavily polished, slightly handsome If he does say so himself.

Straining his neck to get a better look at the figure before him, but not making it too obvious that he had awaken. Despite pretending to be asleep, he decides the tall, dark, handsome figure had probably already noticed his awakening, he can taste a sweet yet bitter taste in his mouth bit like blueberries his brother would pick from the palace gardens as children, his heart suddenly quickens, thumping out his chest, he looks to the side of him again to see his reflection, he notices someone that looks almost too familiar to him, it was at this point when he feels it, the guilt, the horror but the desire takes over and he wants it


He arises from the silk bedding by the clank of metal to his right 'what the hell just happened have I been kidnapped' he wonders looking around 'nope not kidnapped im still in my chambers' his head lulls to the sound of clanking metal beside him to see he had been chained to his own bed by his wrists, not only that but the woman with blue piercing eyes that was once beside him was now gone and had been replaced with a cold corpse that had obviously been killed a few days prior to now. 'oh good lord!' he turns away from the rotting corpse beside him, his throat tightening, gagging from the sight and smell beside him, feeling a queasy sensation in his stomach as it does backflips over and over again, sick threatening to spill from him at any second, feeling himself drift off again into unconsciousness 'why am I feeling so tired...im not tired.'

Dozing for a short time he suddenly awakens again feeling feverish and sick to his stomach. His strength finally finds his body as he pulls himself up sitting on the edge of his bed, his wrists no longer chained to his bed, forcing his limbs to work and every muscle in his body to contract from the sudden movement. His attention going towards the door where the figure he swears he saw not long ago, now gone, he looks to the side of him, the corpse that was once their also gone 'am I going mad' thinking to himself running a hand through his hair, groaning 'perhaps just a dodgy drink last night, you never know who could have been lurking about at the party...I need some air.'

Using the moment to his advantage he uses what strength he has to haul himself up from the bed weakly using the banister at the end to keep himself upright as his muscles and limbs get used to the movement as gravity takes over. He notices the Winchester, the prize possession of his father and his one and only heirloom was gone from the dresser opposite him. His breath hitches and rifles around the chamber tossing the whole place, ripping it to pieces searching for the Winchester.

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