Chapter 12

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⚠️This chapter has mentions of suicide in it so please be aware⚠️

Betty's POV

As I went out of the Blue and Gold, I thought about how much I had opened up to Jughead. I heard him calling my name so I started to run. I just kept running and running oblivious to where I was going. I had no one to turn to, my mom threatened to kick me out and hates me, Veronica and Kevin don't actually like me and Jughead lied to me. I can't even go to my dad because one, we don't talk and two, he lives in a different state. I heard my phone ringing but didn't pick it up.

After, I don't know how long, running I ended up at Sweat Water River. I stood at the river side and watched the waves crash against the rocks. I stood there with tears coming out of my eyes but no emotion on my face. All the memories I had with Jughead kept repeating in my head. When I first met him, when I met his family, when I met the Serpents, when we went to Pops and just laughed the whole time and when we walked home holding hands. I can't believe that I actually trusted him, I slept in his bed, I became friends with his dad.

Why does this stuff always happen to me? I always trust people I can't trust, I never did anything to them. I was actually starting to like Jughead in a relationship kind of way. Maybe this is all my fault, maybe people do this to me because I deserve it. Maybe I keep blaming them but really I should be looking in the mirror. Maybe I just make people's lives worse. Maybe I should just do everyone a favour.

All I could think to do is scream until I had no breath left. So I did. I just screamed and screamed and waited until it would be done, I would be done like my mom said. But really, screaming wasn't doing anything for me, my answer was right in front of me. I looked around and saw a bridge. I climbed back up the hill and walked along the bridge until I was over the middle of the river. I stood and looked over the railing into the water. I didn't have anymore strength in me to keep going, there was no point in continuing, I was done.

Jughead's POV

After Betty left school, I tried calling her and she wouldn't pick up. I got worried so I called my dad. "Hey dad" I said as he picked up. "Hey boy, what's up?" He asked. "Well, me and Betty just got in a fight and she ran out of the school and I'm worried. Can you come pick me up so we can look for her?" I asked walking out the front door. "Yeah Okay, where are you?" He asked. "At the front door of school" I said and hung up. I stood and waited for him to come.

After a couple minutes he came and I got in the passenger seat. "Okay where first?" He asked. "Let's try Pops" I said and we began driving. I explained to him what happened and as we drove I looked around to try and see if she was around. When we got to Pops, she wasn't there so we decided to try her house.

As we drove there, we went passed Sweat Water River and I saw her. "Dad stop!" I shouted and got out the car. She was standing looking at the water, standing on the bridge. I ran over to the front of the bridge and quickly walked over to her, trying not to scare her.

"Betty" I said when I was a couple feet away from her. She turned around and looked into my eyes, suddenly she started to run away from me. I chased after her and remembered back to when we were in the Blue and Gold and she saw my name in the year book. I chased her round the office and hugged her from behind.

This time it wasn't funny and happy. When I got close enough, I held her waist from behind. "No Jughead!" She shouted and tried to get away from me. "I'm done with you lying to me! I'm done with you protecting me! I'm done!" She shouted as she started to kick my legs and punching my arms. I just held onto her tighter, knowing from before that eventually she'll stop.

"You're just like the others, you don't care about me! No one does!" She shouted. She wouldn't stop trying to get away from me so I looked back at my dad for help. He got out of the car and started walking towards us so if she ran, my dad could help me get her. She started screaming. "Betty stop!" I shouted but she did the opposite, she kicked and punched me harder. I was getting tired of holding her back.

She eventually was able to get one of my arms off her. "Dad!" I shouted as she got off me and started to run. I ran after her and I heard my dad shout "I'll follow you in the car"

She kept running and running, I tried shouting her name but that did nothing. I saw my dads car following her. We ran through the woods behind school and when we got out of the woods, my dad's car was sitting, blocking the exit so Betty couldn't get out.

"Betty, please just stop" I shouted and she finally stopped running. She looked around and our eyes met. "Please" I said and a couple tears came out of her eyes. I slowly walked over to her. "How am I supposed to trust you when you lie to me?!" She shouted beginning to cry. I stopped walking towards her when we were a only a couple feet away from each other. "I was really stupid that day Betty and I really am sorry. I was trying to make you feel safe and I shouldn't have done that" I said apologising. I continued walking towards her and she walked to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry too" she said looking at me. "I shouldn't have blew up at you like I did" she finished and I smiled a little. "Just don't scare me like that again" I said and she lifted her head so her lips was only a few inches away from mine. I leaned in a little and so did she. I leaned in until our lips were touching and we had our first kiss.

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