Chapter 13

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Betty's POV

For the next couple days, me and Jug decided it would be best if I had a couple rest days. Just stay in bed and go on short walks with him. It had been a hard week so I needed a break from reality. But unfortunately, I had to get back to normality at some point and had to get back to school.

Just like wild fire, the news about what happened to me the past week spread and everyone knew about it. So when we got to school, everyone was looking at me and Mr Weatherbee wanted to see me.

"Hello Miss Smith, have a seat" he said as I walked in his office. "So I wanted to discuss about what happened to you with your mother and what happened the next day" he said and I got chills down my spine. "I don't really want to talk about it" I said looking down. "Maybe not, but you have to understand that what happened is very serious and it needs to be discussed. I can suggest you talk to our guidance counsellor, Miss Burble?" He suggested, I hadn't even talked to Jughead about what happened at the river, I definitely didn't want to talk to a stranger about it.

"If you would like, you could bring your friend Jughead with you? I heard you have been staying with him" he said and that made me feel a little better. "Yeah maybe" I said. "Okay great, she has got an opening after school if you would like to see her then" he said and I nodded.

After I left his office, I was back to people staring at me. As I walked to the Blue and Gold it was like the Red Sea had parted as I walked through the corridor of people. I had always tried to blend in so nobody really talked to me but now it was like I was the only thing people talked about.

When I finally reached the office, I walked in and shut the door and closed my eyes, listening to the silence of the room compared to the loud corridor. "Hey, you Okay?" Jughead said and I got a fright. "I didn't know you were in here" I said and walked over to him. "Sorry. So, you Okay?" He asked again. "Em, yeah I guess. It's just I fell completely surrounded by people, but in a bad way. Anyways, Mr Weatherbee told me to see the guidance councillor Miss Burble, he said I could bring you. Can you come with me to see her at the end of the day please?" I asked.

He walked the rest of the way up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "If that's what you want, of course I will" he said and I smiled slightly. I sighed and put my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you" I whispered and he kissed me softly.

At lunch, me and Jug sat in the Blue and Gold office and ate our lunch, catching up on some work. I heard someone walk in and lifted my head. "Betty, I can't believe you are still friends with this Serpent!" Veronica said as she walked in. "Hi to you too Veronica" I said and Jughead chuckled.

Veronica shook her head. "What, Jughead was the one that was there for me, not you or Kevin, so I'm meant to pretend he just did that so I would be forced to join his gang and I should just ignore him?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Yeah exactly. I'm proud you figured that out Sherlock!" She said sarcastically.

"Okay, you can go now Veronica" Jughead suggested standing up. "Gladly SouthSide trash" she said with a smug look on her face as she walked out and Jughead closed the door behind her. "Don't listen to her" he said walking back over to his desk and I stood up. "Yeah, right back at you. I hate how everyone calls you those names" I said walking over to him.

"I'm used to it" He said and I shook my head as he sat down. "No, I don't want you to just shake that off like it was nothing. It's inappropriate and disgusting. You know what I'm going to do?" I asked. "Well what could it be?" He asked sarcastically.

"I'm going to write an article about it and put it on the front page of this weeks paper" I said and he looked up at me. "Betty, no. You'll just draw attention to yourself and I can handle those people, Trust me" he said with raised eyebrows. "And trust me that no one is ever going to call you that again when I publish this article!" I said confidently sitting back down at my desk.

When it was the end of the day, I met Jughead outside Miss Burble's room before we went inside. "Miss Burble?" I asked as we walked in. "Yes, you are Betty right? And Jughead?" She said standing up and we both nodded, walking over to her. We shook hands and sat down on her green leather two-seater sofa and she sat opposite us on an arm chair.

She pulled a folder out of her cabinet before sitting down that had my name on it. "Okay so Betty, it says here that you moved to Riverdale from Toledo a couple weeks ago, is that correct?" She asked reading the sheet of paper. I nodded. "And you joined the Blue and Gold with Jughead?" She asked and again I nodded. "Okay so Mr Weatherbee told me that you had an argument outside of the local diner with your mother last weekend, do you want to talk about that?" She asked before I began speaking.

"So me and Jughead invited my mom to meet Jughead and his family on Saturday at Pops. She started to talk bad about them so I told her to join me outside" I began as Miss Burble took notes, I looked at Jug for reassurance and he nodded. "I asked her why she was being so mean and she told me that the people in the Southside are bad. Soon the arguing turned into shouting at each other and I got really worried and felt small and weak."

"She started to get closer to me and shout in my face, I got really scared of her. She finished by basically saying that if I keep talking to Jughead she would kick me out and then she stormed away. I slid down the wall and cried into my knees. Jughead came outside and comforted me" I finished looking at Jughead and he took my hand.

"Okay, so what happened after Jughead came outside with you?" She asked. "Em, I started to panic thinking that if my mom saw us she would do something to me or Jughead." I said with a couple tears rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away and looked out the window thinking that my mom could see us.

"Betty, do you want me to explain?" Jug asked me. I turned round to look at him and nodded my head. "So yeah, she panicked and tried to get away from me but I kept holding onto her. She started shouting things like get off me and let me go. And then she shouted she'll kill us which caught my attention. Anyways, eventually she calmed down and fell asleep and I took her home to my house" Jug said and I squeezed his hand.

"Okay, did anything else happen that night?" She asked and Jug looked at me. "I woke up in his bed after feeling my phone buzz in my pocket" I said and Jughead cut in. "I got her phone out of her pocket and saw it was her mom so I declined it" he said before he let me continue. "I turned over and saw Jughead and remembered what happened earlier and panicked again."

"I got out of bed and tried to get out the door but Jughead didn't let me. I just panicked again for a while but calmed down. And went back to sleep" I said and she took notes. "Okay so Betty, what made you calm down after you panicked both times?" Miss Burble asked.

"Em, tiredness and realisation that my mom couldn't do anything while I was with Jughead and his dad" I said. "Do you and Jugheads dad have a good relationship?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, He was really nice the first time I went round to Jugheads house and he seemed like a good person, which he is" I said smiling a little.

"Okay so can you tell me what happened the next day?" She asked. My face went a bit blank and I felt a bit dizzy. "Em.. me and Jug got in a fight after I explained what happened the day before when I found out he lied to me about something. We were in the Blue and Gold so I ran out of the school and ran and ran until I got to the river" I began to fell a bit sick and really dizzy. "Em... then...." it was like everything was in slow motion and spinning.

I got up and ran out to the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. I flushed the toilet and sat down next to it. I heard someone walk in and saw Jughead come round the corner of the stall. "Hey you Okay?" He asked as he knelt down next me. "I can't Jughead, I can't" I said as I burst into tears. He hugged me and I cried into him.

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