he's a bit bipolar

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"Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting someone."

Chapter Five: he's a bit bipolar

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Chapter Five: he's a bit bipolar

I WAITED THE MAJORITY of the class period for James to come back.

Just about twenty minutes have passed by now which isn't much. Well unless you're in a school that has classes that last about an hour and some minutes. With that being said twenty minutes actually is much.

Not to be pushy or a control freak in any way but, I don't have anytime to be wasting right now.

Brainstorming my ideas for the carnival is simple but also really difficult when you hear all the other teams planning the exact same snacks. I know James suggested cotton candy but I've been to enough carnivals now and seen enough pictures on Instagram to know that cotton candy and carnivals go hand in hand.

And with cotton candy being a staple in carnivals I can bet on anything that at least one other person here is gonna make it. And without a doubt better than me.

If only this was a group project that required two people to think and come up with ideas so it wasn't so much pressure. Oh, would you look at that? It was.

As much as I didn't want to be "that person" and rat out the fact that James has been gone for so long I really can't fail this class and without a partner to give me unique ideas it's not looking too good. Just as I was starting to make my way to Mr. Auburn's desk, James walked through the door backpack and all with the same hall pass returning to class.

I watched as he and Mr. Auburn exchanged words, probably about why he'd been out so long, before turning around and scanning the classroom.

Was I that forgetful that he didn't even remember what his partner looked like?

Rather than raising my hand or saying that I was indeed sitting here I decided I would just make constant uncomfortable eye contact until he got the hint that I was his missing half of his group. It wasn't until his light brown eyes looked directly at me.

The light somehow managed to pick up all of the colors in his eyes and shine just right to the point where if I stared too long I may just faint. But I couldn't do that since it'd only cause a scene so I managed to pull my gaze away from his as if I looked at him coincidentally and looked away almost seconds after I'd been caught.

Although the class was loud I was still able to hear the sneakers against the floor making the occasional squeak sounds as he made his way towards me. I don't understand why now he had a different thing to him but it was as if another person had appeared in class earlier and now that guy was gone.

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