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Not all royals are perfectly happy throughout their lives. Many of us think that being rich means that you are forever joyful, but this is not true. Money doesn't buy happiness at all, and two particular royals had experienced that all too much.

The kingdom in this tale was a beautiful kingdom. A kingdom filled with light and beaming smiles. It was often calm as the community was extremely strong. This was all thanks to the people's amazing King and Queen who loved their kingdom dearly.

The Queen soon became pregnant and the civilians were overjoyed to hear that another baby royal was on the way. The people immediately started to think of whether the baby would be a girl or a boy, what the baby might be called, and what the baby might look like.

However, the cheerful aura soon faded as quickly as it came. When the Queen was heavily pregnant with her baby, she became extremely sick. She was stuck in her bed, barely able to move, to eat, to breathe. Help was desperately needed for the Queen or else she, and the baby, would die. Fortunately for them, the King knew of a special flower that was made of a drop from the sun. It was known to be so powerful that just one petal could cure anything and everything. However, the problem was that they didn't know exactly where it was.

Soon, several guards charged down the streets of the kingdom on their strong, bold horses; the sound of their hooves hitting the stone pavements rattling through the walls of the houses, drawing people to their windows from their sleep to see what was happening.

After several hours of searching through the surrounding forest, the main Captain spotted something glowing through some bushes. He got off of his horse, cautiously making his way over to the strangely glowing object. As he poked his head around a bush, he saw it. There, in the soil, was the yellow flower emitting bright light. He immediately called over the other guards who proceeded to dig up the flower, to which they then returned it to the castle safely.

The flower was pressed when it reached the castle, squeezing out a gold, glowing sap. The maids delivered it to the Queen in a small china cup. As she drank it, all the servants and guards stood around her in hope that it would work, the King knelt down on the floor beside her bed, holding her hand.

Just like the King had predicted, the magical powers of the flower healed the Queen, and she was no longer sick. She was perfectly healthy again and everyone was relieved.

A month later, the royal baby was born. The royal family now had a small baby prince to look after. He had fair skin, dazzling brown eyes, and beautiful golden hair. It wasn't long after that the King and Queen presented the baby to the kingdom, naming him Jimin.

As soon as the family thought that they had finally found happiness with their new baby son, it all went tumbling to ashes again.

Living deep in the nearby woods was a witch who went by the name of Gothel. She had known about the magical flower for many many years and had always kept it hidden so she was the only one who could use its magical properties. One of those properties was keeping life fresh and young. Gothel used this to her advantage. Every night, she would sing to the flower and therefore bring back her youth. Once she had found out the flower was taken, she was enraged. She knew that she would die from old age and not be young and youthful without it.

A few months later, Gothel had heard news about the new prince. It shocked her when she heard that he had long golden hair. She soon figured out that it was due to the flower.

One night, when everyone in the castle was asleep, Gothel decided to take her chances. She sneaked past all of the guards and found herself stood in front of a very tall wall. At the top was a balcony which she knew was the prince's room. She quickly looked at her surroundings, hiding in the bushes. Once the coast was clear, she made a start, scrambling up the walls. It took immense strength to climb up to the top, throwing herself over the railing of the balcony. She peeked through the glass doors to see the King, Queen and prince all sleeping peacefully. They had no idea what was to happen next.

Gothel snuck through the doors, tiptoeing across the floor boards towards the prince's small cot. There he was, sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. Gothel then looked at his hair, fiddling a strand between her fingers. It was soft, smooth, and perfect. She needed his hair desperately and the power that it possessed. She slowly and carefully pulled out a small, sharp dagger out of her pocket, slowly moving it towards the lock of hair, cutting it.


The sight of what happened nearly made Gothel drop the dagger. The lock of hair that was cut had lost its colour, turning into a dead brown. Suddenly, her eyes locked with the prince's brown ones as he awoke from his sleep. The small baby immediately started to cry, making the King and Queen also start to wake up from their deep slumber. Without thinking at all, Gothel dropped the dagger onto the floor and scooped the screaming baby up in her arms and ran to the balcony. She gave one last look at the King and Queen before then throwing herself over the railing of the balcony once more, running off into the woods with prince Jimin.

Ever since that day, Jimin was trapped inside a tall tower that was hidden very deep in the forest. Jimin was never allowed out and no one was ever allowed in. Gothel wanted to keep Jimin's powers all to herself, just like she had done in the very beginning with the flower. Luckily for Gothel, Jimin didn't know that she was a witch. He didn't know that she wasn't in fact his mother. It was because he was so young when Gothel took him that he didn't remember a thing. That meant that Jimin really did see Gothel as his mother.

Every evening, when the sun was beginning to set, Gothel would sit down with Jimin and brush his long hair as he would sing beautifully. His hair would glow when he would sing, therefore his powers were working. That meant that Gothel would become younger again. She did this every day to make sure she would stay young and youthful.

It has been nearly eighteen years since Jimin has been trapped in that tower...

This is the story of how Jimin finally breaks free.

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