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"Oh Milo..." Jimin sighed as he went to lean his elbows on the windowsill, looking out at the wildlife, "What should I do?". Milo, Jimin's pet calico cat, walked over, pouncing up onto the windowsill, looking out of it too. As if the cat somehow understood what Jimin was saying, he raised his paw towards the outdoor world. The poor cat was desperate to go outside.

Milo had been Jimin's pet for several years now, living with him in the tower. Jimin's mother, Gothel, had found the stray cat out in the forest and brought him back to the tower and ever since then, the cat had stayed.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he picked up Milo into his arms, carrying him back inside. "You know that we can't go out there." Jimin said as he placed the cat back onto the cold stone tile flooring. Jimin sighed again as he leant against the wall, folding his arms. "There must be something to do." He thought aloud to himself as he looked at his surroundings; the same surroundings he has looked at for the past eighteen years. Nothing had ever changed.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Jimin's head. He walked up to the fireplace, drawing back the curtains that covered the blank wall above. "I'm going to paint!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly as he quickly ran to his bedroom to grab his paints and paintbrushes. Jimin loved to paint, and it was obvious as his paintings covered nearly every inch of wall inside the tower, even including the ceiling.

Jimin pulled up a chair to stand on so he could reach the part of the wall that he wanted to paint. As he was about to paint, Milo slowly walked over, sitting by him, almost as if he was watching what Jimin was doing for some sort of entertainment. "I'm going to paint the floating lights!" Jimin said with immense enthusiasm to his cat, as if the cat could actually understand him.

Jimin often ended up talking to himself or Milo during the day. This was because he was always alone. His mother, Gothel, was usually in the forest doing 'important business', meaning that Jimin had no one to talk to but himself and his cat.

Jimin also often painted pictures of the floating lights. He was fascinated by them, and has been for as long as he could remember. Once a year on his birthday, these lights rose up into the night sky. Jimin would always watch from the window. He has always wanted to see them in person, not just from his window. He also wondered what these lights were and what they meant, and why it only ever happens on his birthday. He has asked his mother several times about the lights, however every time he tries to talk to her, she doesn't listen. It's as if she is disgusted about talking about them.

In a few days it would be Jimin's birthday. As usual, Jimin was extremely excited to watch the floating lights from his window again, however this time he was hoping that it would be a bit different. This year, Jimin would be turning eighteen years old. He would no longer be a child or a teenager, but more of an adult. He was hoping that his mother could actually take him to see the lights in person now that he was older.

A few hours passed and Jimin had finally finished his painting above the fireplace. The painting showed the floating lights rising up into the night sky. In the foreground was Jimin sat on top of a tree who was watching the floating lights, his long golden hair trailing behind him. As Jimin was admiring his work, he suddenly heard a voice call out his name. It was his mother! He quickly pulled the curtains closed, covering his art work and paint supplies. He then put the chair back into its proper place before then rushing to the window. Down at the bottom of the tower was Gothel, waving with one hand and holding a basket with the other. Jimin was suddenly very nervous. Now was the time to ask about the floating lights.

Jimin threw his long golden hair out of the window, letting his mother climb up into the tower. Milo stayed by his side the entire time, as if he could sense how nervous Jimin was.

"Hello mother!" Jimin smiled, walking towards her. However, that smile soon dropped as Gothel completely ignored him. She took off her black cape, hanging it up on the wall. She then walked over to the kitchen area, placing the basket on the counter and taking out all of the food, storing it in the cupboards. "Mother, there is something I want to ask you-"

"Jimin please." His mother said, turning around to face him. She looked exhausted. "Could you please sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk."

Since Jimin was so excited but nervous at the same time, he quickly pulled out a chair, forcing his mother to sit in it. He then pulled up the small wooden stool, placing it in front of her. He then grabbed the hairbrush, giving it to his mother. He sat down on the stool, letting his mother brush his hair. He started to sing, but very very quickly. His hair started to glow but it was all too much energy at one time. Gothel gasped as the magic hit her very quickly, turning her younger again.


"So mother, it is my birthday in a few days!" Jimin exclaimed as he turned around on his stool so he was facing his mother.

"Well yes I know that, silly." His mother chuckled, standing up as she patted Jimin on the head. She then started to walk towards the kitchen again. No way was she going to ignore Jimin this time.

"Mother. This year I am turning eighteen. I really really want you to take me to see the floating lights!" Jimin said quickly as he stood up, slowly backing towards the fireplace.

"Oh, you mean the stars." Gothel chuckled again, dismissing Jimin yet again.

"No mother. These aren't stars. I don't know what they are but I need to see them!" Jimin said as his hand slowly moved to the curtains.

"Jimin. You know that you can't go out there. It is dangerous. Too dangerous for you, my flower." Gothel said as she turned to face Jimin. Now Jimin was starting to get impatient.

"But mother-"

"No Jimin."

"But please! If you'd just let me show you-"

"You are never leaving this tower! Ever!"

There was a moment of silence. Jimin's hand slowly dropped away from the curtain as he gave up, not bothering to show his mother his painting. His mother was enraged, and it was obvious. She then sighed as he went to sit down on the chair, leaning her head against her hand and scrunching her eyes shut. "Great. Now I'm the bad guy." She sighed.

There was silence again. Jimin stood there very awkwardly. He was scared of his mother when she was like this.

"What about the paints?" Jimin dared to say, interrupting the painful silence. Gothel opened her eyes to look up at Jimin. "You know...the special paints that you bought me?"

"That is a very long trip Jimin." Gothel spat. She really had had enough.

Jimin looked down at his bare feet. He felt hopeless. "I just thought that it was a better idea than the stars."

Silence, yet again.

Gothel then suddenly stood up, walking closer to Jimin to gently place her hands on his shoulders.

"Okay..." She sighed, running her fingers through Jimin's long hair. "I'll leave tomorrow morning."

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