Draco and the cat potion

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(Warning! Spoof ahead, you have been warned)

In potions during year 3:

Crab: We've finally finished the potion, but what are it's effects?

Goyle: I thought you knew that!

Crab: I thought I told you to research it!

Goyle: We'll ask Draco, he should know

*Goyle picks up the potion and starts walking towards where Draco should be*

Crab: We could just bring him over

Goyle: This is easier

Crab: ಠ_ಠ

*Draco walks over*

Draco: What are you doing?

Goyle: I was bringing you this potion to see if you knew it's-

*Goyle trips and the potion splashes on Draco*

*A bunch of dramatic fog suddenly appears!*

Goyle: Side effects...

Crab: Look what you've done, you've splashed him with it!

*a blonde cat with grayish eyes walks out of the dramatic fog as it goes away*

Goyle: Draco...?

*the cat looks over at them, then it's eyes widen in shock*


Crab: Aww, your adorable!


Goyle: We don't have a cure

Draco-cat: YOU DON'T HAVE A CURE?!

Crab: Maybe it's temporary?

Draco-cat: *angry hissing*

*Harry, Hermione, and Ron walk in*

Ron: Where'd the cat come from?

Crab & Goyle: That's Draco

Hermione: Draco isn't a cat

Draco-cat: I AM DRACO!

Harry, Hermione, and Ron: *shooketh*

Goyle: So, I kinda accidentally splashed him with a potion with unknown side-effects and it turned him into a cat

Harry: That explains it, does it wear off?

Crab: We aren't sure, should we ask Professor Snape?

Ron: Yes

Harry at the same time: No

Draco-cat: ಠ~ಠ Well, which is it?

Harry: We're keeping him

Hermione: As far as I've read, the only cure is time, and even then it doesn't cure him completely

Draco-cat: What do you mean it doesn't cure me completely?

Hermione: You'll still have cat ears and a cat tail as far as I've read

Draco-cat: ರ_ರ

Ron: So, in other wards, we're stuck with a cat-Draco

Hermione: Yep

Goyle: Well, I'm gonna leave, bye

Crab: I will to

*the two leave*

Ron: So, there's absolutely no cure for this?

Hermione: No

Harry: Can we keep him?

Hermione: No, he becomes human again eventually

Draco-cat: When?

Hermione: A few hours

Draco-cat: *more hissing*

The golden trio: Aww!

Draco-cat: Shut up!

Harry: Can we keep him until he's human again?

Hermione: Fine, but what about Hedwig and his tie?

Harry: I'll tell her it's only temporary and the tie is so I know which cat he is

Draco-cat: I can talk you know

Ron: Are you sure we should do that?

Harry: What else would we do?

Ron: Oh I dunno, give him to Crab and Goyle?

Harry: No, we're keeping him and that's that

Draco-cat: What if I don't want to be with you until I'm human again?

Harry: To bad

Draco-cat: ಥ_ಥ

*An hour later*


Hermione: 2

Draco-cat: T^T

*one more hour later*

Harry: Here Draco, I've got yarn!

Draco-cat: ⚆ _ ⚆ Yarn?

*Draco-cat starts chasing the yarn*

Ron: Y'now, I'll be kinda sad when he changes back in an hour. Is there any way we can keep him this way?

Hermione: Not against his will, Draco, would you like to stay a cat?

Draco-cat: Why would I want to do that?

Hermione: I thought so

*The final hour*

Harry: I don't want him to turn back, he's adorable

Ron: I will admit, I don't want him to either

Hermione: Well, he's going to

Draco-cat: Being a cat is fun, but my father won't enjoy cleaning up after me

*Suddenly, more dramatic fog appears!*

*Draco walks out of it as it clears, but somethings different*

Ron: *chuckling* Draco, your still part cat

Draco: ⚆ _ ⚆ what?

Harry: *starts petting him*

Draco: Stawp it!

Hermione: There's no way to fix this, your stuck with it

Draco: I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE TWO! *storms off with his tail lashing*

Harry: His tail was even lashing, do you think he can turn into a cat?

Hermione: Actually, yes he can

Ron: We should totally go tell him that

Harry: Let's go!

Hermione: *sigh and face-palm*

Then they all became friends, the end. Now to go make an OC!

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