Are you alright? {HoodieMask thing}

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It was around midnight when Shadow got back from her mission, and she didn't expect anyone to be awake because that's how it usually was when she got back this late. She get's back late, she goes upstairs to her room, she goes to bed. Today was different though. As she walked up the stairs, she thought she heard crying. She brushed it off, thinking she was hearing things. As she got closer to Hoodie's room though, it seemed to be getting louder. She stopped in front of his door. Someone was definitely crying in there. "Hoodz?" she said quietly, knocking softly on the door. "Go away." came a muffled reply. "Not until I find out what's wrong." Shadow said stubbornly. No response. Shadow twisted the door knob. It was unlocked. "Huh, weird. Then again, so is Hoodie crying in the middle of the night." she thought. She sat down at the edge of his bed, not knowing where he was. "Where even are you?" she asked. There was a hiccup in the corner. "Hey, what's wrong?" Shadow asked, sitting next to him. He didn't respond. "Hoodz, I can't comfort you if I don't know whats wrong." Shadow said. He still didn't respond. She tried poking him, but she poked empty air. "God dammit Hoodie, where are you?" Shadow growled. She walked over and sat criss-cross on his bed. "What's wrong?" she asked the air. "Nothing." came the unexpected reply. It was weird though, it sounded echoey, like it was everywhere at once. "Where are you?" she asked. No response. "Do you want me to turn on the light and get both of us in trouble?" she snapped. "No." Hoodie muttered from somewhere. "Then tell me where you are!" Shadow hissed. "Why should I?" he asked. "Because I'm not one to let my friends be sad and alone." Shadow said. Silence. "Look for me yourself." he muttered, it sounded closer to the closet this time. "Fine." Shadow mumbled. She walked towards the closet and suddenly remembered her night vision. She was a demon, how could she forget? She blinked it on and opened the closet. Sure enough, there was Hoodie. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Does it look like I'm alright?" he snapped unexpectedly. She sat down in front of him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I already told you, nothing." he buried his face in his knees. "There's obviously something wrong, your crying." Shadow flicked her tail. "You'd laugh at me if I told you." he mumbled.  "Brian, I wouldn't laugh at anything you told me." Shadow said. He sighed. "Fine. I... I like Masky...." he said. Shadow's eyes widened and she chuckled. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" he said. "I'm not laughing at you, I just- Masky told me something similar yesterday. Why don't you try telling him your feelings?" Shadow smiled. "He'd reject me." Hoodie looked up. "Not necessarily, you've been friends since before I came here. Just tell him so you can get it off your chest." Shadow said. Silence. "I'll think about it, you should go." Hoodie said. "Right, goodnight Hoodz." Shadow smiled. "G'night." he mumbled. The next day, someone burst into her room, slamming the door behind them. "What the f- Masky?" Shadow asked. He had his mask in his hand and was wiping his face on his sleeve. "I- He- Everyone saw-" he stammered. "Hey, deep breaths." Shadow advised. "Now, tell me what happened." she said as he breathed. "Hoodie, he poured his feelings for me in a letter and I rejected him. Everyone saw and he ran away crying..." Masky said. Shadow was silent, eyes wide. "You feel the same way, why'd you reject him?" she asked finally. "I got nervous and overreacted." Masky sighed. "Well, let's go find him." Shadow said. "Both of us?" he asked. "Duh, let's go." Shadow opened her door. They both left the mansion and went looking for Hoodie. He was near the river when they found him. "Hey Hoodz..." Shadow said. "You said I should tell him." Hoodie mumbled. "About that, I brought Masky with me. He has something to tell you." Shadow stepped aside. "Hoodz, I panicked." he began. "I overreacted and just said whatever would get me out of the situation quickly. I didn't mean it. Actually, what I meant is far from that." he continued. Hoodie glanced at Masky. "What I meant was, I feel the exact same way. I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of everyone." Masky finished. Hoodie stood up, walked over to Masky, and hugged him. "It's alright, I probably would've done the same." he murmured. Shadow ignored her urge to go aww and just watched, smiling. "Love ya, Hoodz." Masky hugged back. "Love you to, Masky." Hoodie smiled.

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