New kid( terrible Creepypasta thing)

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Curse words


"This is Y/n L/n, our new student." the teacher said. You felt nervous standing up front, everyone was staring. "She has social anxiety, so don't crowd her to much." the teacher added. "Why did she have to add that, now I'm going to be avoided." you thought. You also hoped nobody would notice your stutter. You'd noticed a soft ticking noise coming from the back, but you'd assumed it was just the clock. "Take a seat wherever you want." the teacher said. You immediately went to the back and sat next to a window, feeling everyone's gaze bore into your back. You knew it was cliche, but nobody would stare at you. You ended up sitting next to someone named Patricia Goodland. You talked a bit, and she said she was your "friend." You could tell by the make-up, the prissy voice, and the personality she wasn't real. When hall time came, you were practically cowering behind her though. Suddenly, she yanked you to the side of the hall. Everyone had hushed to a whisper. "It's only the ticking kid, talk all you want about him." Patricia whispered. As he walked by, you saw how lonely he looked. "H-he looks lonely." you murmured. "Well duh, what do you expect from some idiot who always ticks?" Patricia snapped, her voice rising to a little more than a whisper. The ticking boy flinched as a few people smirked and chuckled. "I-I'm going t-to go t-talk to him." you told her confidently. "What, no! You can't!" Patricia hissed. "He'd be a b-better friend than you e-ever c-could." You said back, a little louder than you should've. Everyone was staring again. You whimpered and scampered after the boy. You looked at your card as he turned to his locker. "1701, we're next to each other." you thought, relieved you weren't near Patricia. You nervously went over and punched the code into your locker, not knowing how to start a conversation. As everyone crowded into the hall, you noticed the locker on the other side of his was empty. "Principle knew what he was doing I guess." you thought, seeing the one next to yours was empty to. As the hallways emptied, you finally got the courage to start a conversation. "U-um... Hi." you mumbled, wondering if he'd even heard you. "H-hi." he said, cut off by a tick the first time. "I-I'm Y/n, w-what's y-your name?" you asked, failing not to stutter. "Toby." He answered simply. "W-we should g-go, w-we could be l-late t-to class." you mumbled. "S-see you later, Y-Y/n." he said, waving as he walked in the opposite direction. You checked your schedule. "Science, I think that's this way." you thought, going the direction of where your previous class had been. There were no classroom names or signs that showed you the way, only the teacher that taught it. "Why didn't they put names on this damn thing." you thought as you walked towards Mr. Wellburg's classroom. "Are you lost?" someone asked. You spun around. There was a brown haired boy with blue eyes and a white hoodie asked. "U-um, yes..." you mumbled, fiddling with your thumbs. "Which class?" he asked. "Science." you said. "Science is Ms. Windwell's class, it's over there." he said. "Th-thanks..." you said quietly, walking the way he'd pointed. Nothing much happened between then and lunch. You learned the boy's name was Jeff, he had a brother named Liu, he, Toby, and Liu were best friends, and they were all bullied in some way. "It wouldn't surprise me if they began picking on you to, you stutter and have anxiety." Jeff said. "Also, why does ms. prissy perfect over there hate you now?" Liu asked. "I i-insulted her b-before g-going to t-talk to Toby, h-he looked l-lonely." you said. You were all sitting at a table inside despite the nice weather. "J-Jack, Ben, over h-here!" Toby ticked, waving to another brunette boy. He walked over and sat down. "Y/n, th-this is Jack and B-Ben, Jack and Ben, Y-Y/n." Toby introduced you two. "Where's Natalie?" Ben asked timidly. "She's sick today, she's probably just skipping though." Liu replied. "Doesn't surprise me." Jeff said. You soon became best friends, met Natalie for the first time, and all was good apart from starting to be bullied. The boys were all talking while you and Natalie were reading the newspaper. "Hey guys, come look at this." Natalie said, pointing to an article. You started reading it as Liu looked over your shoulder, Jeff hoisted Ben up onto his shoulders because he was the shortest, and Toby only looked over your head. He was taller than you by a bit, so it was easy for him.

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