Chapter 2

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Felix's P.O.V
When the doorbell rang me, Jayden and Raven answered the door "Can we help you?" Raven asked the brunette man in front of us "Umm yeah, I'm looking for Payton" he answers "Why do you need to see Payton?" Jayden glares at him "He's my boyfriend" Payton doesn't have a boy- "Your Blake?" I ask him and he nods "Yeah I am" we all stiffen "We know what you did to Payton in high school and that you're his ex-boyfriend, now fuck off!" I yell at him "Payton!" He smiles and we turn around to see Payton standing there "Blake..." he sounds like he's gonna cry.. "Leave and if you ever come back a restraining order will be put in place!" Jayden slams the door in his face and goes over to Payton, hugging him "It's ok Pay.." Pagan smiles softly "Pay?" Asher asks coming over to us "Yeah it's short for Payton, he calls me Page" that's like super adorable! "Can we call you that?" Felix asks them "Sure.." Payton mumbles and we go back to eating dinner.

One week later! Time skip brought to you by Pagan's cute freckles!

Payton is at work and Asher got me, Raven, Jayden and Pagan to play truth or dare, the order we were going in was: Jayden, Pagan, Me, Raven, Asher. "Ok Page, truth or dare?" Asher asks him "Umm... dare!" He smiles confidently "I dare you to..." Asher suddenly smirks getting an idea "Take off your shirt" we've all been talking about how cute the twins are and we'd gladly bang them! "O-Ok..." Pagan stands up and pulls off his shirt revealing his soft peachy skin, freckles on his shoulders and arms, light abs on his chest "My turn" Jayden says as Page sits down "Page truth or dare?" We all smirk and practically have a mental conversation to make Pagan strip "D-Dare.." he mumbles "Take off your jeans" Pagan gets up and being to undo his belt, I bet your wonder why he's wearing jeans, he's wears girl clothes, their female jeans so... we all stare as his jeans fall to the floor "You wear panties?!" We all yell "Yeah..." he blushes "Does Payton?" Raven asks and he nods.

Asher's P.O.V
At the end of the game, I had on a pink skirt, one of Page's skirt, Jayden was shirtless, Raven had covered in water and Page was sitting nude on  Jayden's lap with his face covered in cum, Raven dared him to suck me off! "You look tired Page" Felix snickered "I just want something to eat right now" he whined, trying to cover his dick "You can suck me off again if your so hungry!" I smile making the other laugh "Say something like that again and you won't have a dick!" He huffs "I'm going to my room" Page grabs his oversized shirt and slips it on before going to his room, I really hope that we can get Payton alone as well. Luckily a few days later, around lunch time Page went to work while Payton watched Netflix in their room "Hey Pay!" I burst into the room making him jump "Oh hey Ash" he says calmly, he's quickly gotten used to being in a house with us and have us all nicknames that the others would punch someone if they called them that "Where'd you get all that candy?!" He has like four garbage bags full of fucking candy! "Oh well you know when sometimes we and Page come home with bags from Walmart?" I nod "We buy a lot of candy and store it up, like an animal in hibernation" that's crazy! "Cool, anyway I wanted to know if you wanted to hang in the game room with me and the guys?" He nods and closes his laptop "You're bringing a bag of twizzlers?" I ask him as we walk down stairs "Yeah! I wish I had skittles though" we've slowly learned more about the twins, like how Payton loves skittles and Pagan's favourite singer is Ed Sheeran. "Hey Pay! You brought twizzlers?" Jayden asks "Yeah turns out him and Pagan have candy stashes, every time they come home with bags from Walmart, they're filled with candies" they all frown at this "Ok one, you guys better share that candy and two, if you eat too much candy you'll get a tummy!" Felix pokes Payton's flat stomach "Whatever, I haven't gained weight in like... seven years" the fuck?

Jayden's P.O.V
We started playing pool while Payton sat on a table while eating his twizzlers "This is getting boring, let's make a prize or a bet!" Raven suggests "Like what?" Felix asks and we think "How about the winner gets to... make out with Payton!" Asher says and we can hear Payton choke on a twizzler "Uh how about the winner can go through my candy stash?" He says
"We'd rather make out" Felix smirks "Oh, how about the every time someone wins a round they can strip Payton of one piece of clothing!" Felix says "It's only fair" I shrug "What to you mean, only fair?" He mumbles "Well a few days ago while you were at work we played truth or dare and Page ended up nude and sucked Asher's dick" Raven explains "O-Oh..." we started playing and Asher whined as he lost "No fair!" He whines while Raven smiles "Well I won, Payton take off your shirt" Payton gets up with a twizzler hanging from his mouth and pulls off his shirt reveal the pale, smooth skin on his chest, we kept playing, Payton had lost his shirt, shoes, knee high socks and beanie, he only had his skirt, underwear and fishnet stockings left. "I win!!" I cheer and go over to Payton "Take off your skirt" he stands up and grabs his skirt but I stop him "I want to take it off" I whisper to him making him whimper and nod, I smirk grabbing the hem of his skirt and pull it down revealing his black panties under his black fishnet stockings "That's fucking hot" Felix mumbles "Do I even wanna know?" We all look at the door seeing Pagan standing there "We played truth or dare with you so we played pool, winner got to strip Paton of one piece of clothing each round and at the end the winner could make out with him!" Asher smirks walking over to Pagan "But we'd gladly include you." We ended up with me holding Payton down on my lap, I was holding his thighs making him grind on me while Felix made out with him and Pagan was against the wall he with Raven and Asher were attacking his neck "A-Ahh..!" Payton's moans are so cute "Maybe we should go upstairs?" Asher says and we all agree. Me, Felix and Payton went to my room while Asher, Raven and Pagan went to Raven's room.

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